Free Together

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*Rises from grave* I LIVE!!

Friend: Stop being so dramatic and get on with the story Kayla!! They've waited forever for this!

Me: *Sighs* You won't let me have my moment will you?

Friend: Nope!

Special thanks to @LordRedsontlborn for voting and commenting. 💕💖🥰

The holiday was great, thanks for asking. 

Friend: They didn't ask! Wait... don't ignore me!

As promised the schedule is back on track, and I have another chapter in the works.

Anyway, quick disclaimer, and *quick dramatic thunder cue* on with da story...

*Dramatic music plays in the background.*


"Hey, Connie!" Steven greeted when she arrived at their usual spot. Then he realized she looked off. "Connie?" He repeated in concern, "You OK?"

"Huh?" She looked up, "Yeah I'm fine!"

Steven didn't believe it, "Connie.."

She sighed, " It's nothing really. My parents just have me doing all sorts of things lately, tennis, piano, tutoring, it just- it gets to much, and with school.." Connie cut herself off," I'm sorry, it's really nothing Steven."

Now it was Stevens turn to sigh, "Connie, you have problems too!"

"Yeah but, you probably have much bigger, magical ones!"

Steven looked down at the temple, "Actually, if we're being honest, My biggest problem is that the gems are always expecting something from me, and they won't tell me what."

They sat in silence for a while, then Steven got up, "I think I know something that will cheer us both up."

"YOU HAVE A PET DRAGON!?" Connie yelled in shock.

"Well, kinda. Dragon does his own thing most of the time-" Steven was interrupted by said Dragon chewing a fish with crystal patterns on his fins. "For example, I have no idea where he got that."

Steven turned to Connie, "Want to ride him?"

Connie nodded with stars in her eyes.

They climbed onto Dragons back and sat down. "Ok, hold on!" Steven said, facing Connie. She complied. Steven gripped Dragons ridge and yanked it slightly. Nothing happened.

"Come on Dragon, go!" Still nothing.

"Give me a second ." Steven said. He turned back to Dragon "Come on! Please! I'll buy you all the pizza you can eat!"

That caught Dragons attention. He got up spread his wings, and, without any warning, shot into the sky.

The ground disappeared from below them, Clouds, ocean and clear sky kept whistling past in a blur of blue and white. Dragon stopped climbing and angled his wings to catch the sea air, and then they were speeding along.

Connie gave out a yelp of fear and quickly grabbed onto Steven. Then, she started laughing, with sheer delight! The feeling being in the air, the feeling of the wind playing with her hair, grabbing it and styling it, it was nothing she had ever felt before.

Steven started laughing with her, "WOOHOO!!"They both yelled. They felt free!

No overprotective parents breathing down Connie's neck, no hidden expectation of great things from Steven! It was just them, the sky and the ocean.

Connie looked behind them at the  skyline of beach city, The sun beginning to set "Wow."

"FASTER DRAGON!!" Connie yelled, and Dragon complied, angling them into an air current which sped them along. They kept laughing and hugging, enjoying the feeling of being free!

Not just being free, being free together!

They opened their eyes

Dragon had slowed down to a slower pace, so they were going fast, but steady.

They brought their hand up to wipe off any remaining dust out off their eyes.

Wait, why did I- Where's- why is They thought in confusion. they felt around their body, it was beautiful, strange, confusing. (Friend: STOP WITH THE REFERENCES!)

"Steven-Connie!" They said.

"Wow, I can fuse!? We fused!?" Stevonnie asked themselves (Is that right?) Excitement rose in their stomach, "Dragon! we fused!!" Stevonnie said laughing. Dragon roared, sensing their excitement. Stevonnie threw their hands in the air, whooping in joy!

A sudden realization came upon them, "I have to tell the gems."

Dragon looped in the air, heading back to beach city.

"Pretty cool, right!?"

The gems looked in shock. Pearl looked extremely confuzzled on how this was possible, Garnet looked drunk on giddyness and Amethyst was laughing at Garnet.

"How does it feel, Steven? Connie? Stevonnie? asked them.

"Amazing." Stevonnie answered.

"A human fusing with a gem? That should be impossible!" Pearl said, alarmed.

Garnet walked up to them, "Stevonnie. You are not two people, and you are not one person. You are an experience! Make sure you're a good experience. Now go have fun!"

They didn't need to be told twice.

Sorry for the wait.

The original plan for this chapter was completely different. I might have gotten carried away.

As always, any questions will be answered.

Anyway, Next chapter out soon!


The Son of TearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora