Blue Scales

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6013 years later, a half gem hybrid is spotted watching a television show with a hooman.

"I don't get why your mom won't let you watch this at home." Steven said as he turned the TV off. They had just finished watching the newest episode of Under the Knife.

"She says it doesn't represent a real emergency room." Connie replied flatly.

Amethyst walked up to the room, "Hey Connie, we need to borrow Ste-man for a mission. That alright?"

"It's fine, I have to go home anyway." Connie said as she got up, and said goodbye to Steven.

"Bye, see you next week for the pre finale." Steven answered back.

He watched as she walked home from the window, and was brought back to reality with Amethyst saying, "Ugh, Come on, you can stare at your girlfriend later, lets go!"

Ignoring Stevens protests, Amethyst dragged him out of the door.

*Time Skip to after battle 'cause I'm lazy*

"Wow! that was awesome how you used your gauntlets Garnet, you were like, Wah-pow!" Amethyst said as she recounted the mission.

Pearl rolled her eyes, "Amethyst, we don't need a play by play, we were all there!"

"Although," Garnet added, "I was pretty great."

Steven stifled laughter.

They were almost at the warp pad when Steven realised, "Oh shoot."

Pearl looked back, "Steven, is everything alright?"

Steven patted his pockets, "I think I dropped my phone back there. You guys go, I'll catch up."

"You sure?" asked the bird mom.

"Yeah! Don't worry, I can handle myself."

It was true, in the last few months of his life, Steven had learned ( with a lot of help) the basic powers that had once belonged to his mother, Lazurite.

"Ok, if you say so."

Steven ran back the way he came until he found his phone, not too far of where they fought the corrupted gem.

'It must have fallen out of my pocket in the fighting.' Steven thought.

He picked it up, and began to walk back, but then he heard a growl from behind him.

Steven glanced over his shoulder then fell back. Behind him was a a winged serpent, looking down on him with piercing blue eyes.

Steven summoned his bow then backed up against a tree, bracing himself for an attack.. but it never came.

He cautiously looked up. The dragon had not moved from its spot, and was staring at him with a bored, blank expression. Now, Steven could see the dragon more clearly. It wasn't as big as it first appeared, in reality, it was relatively the size of a horse. The dragon had light blue scales with darker under scales. A black feathery ridge started from Dragon's(Steven decided to name it that) forehead and went down to his ( it looked like a he) tail. Two watery wings sprouted from Dragons back and covered the majority of his body.

Steven cautiously reached a hand out, then jerked it back. When Dragon didn't react, Steven decided to pet him, shivering slightly at the watery coldness of the scales.

"Wow, your so cool!" Steven exclaimed, "Literally!"

 He tried scratching behind Dragons ears, and got purring as a response. Steven smiled "You're like a giant cat, aren't you?" Dragon rolled over so his stomach was exposed, Steven laughed, "Can you follow me? I want to show you to the gems."

Dragon stood up and followed Steven all the way to the Warp Pad. Once they arrived, Steven turned to Dragon, "Okay, can you wait here for like, one minute? I promise I'll be back."

Dragon blinked his blue eyes then sat down. Steven smiled then warped away.

The gems were making dinner when Steven warped back.

"Steven, what took you so long?"

"Sorry Garnet," The boy answered, "I found something really cool!"

"Well," Amethyst started, "What is it?"

"Give me a minute." Steven warped back to wherever. The gems waited and when the warp pad went of again there stood Steven and.. a blue dragon!?

The gems began summoning their weapons but where interrupted by the Lapis Lazuli hybrid, "Wait! Dragon is friendly!"

"Dude," Amethyst began, "You named him Dragon!?"

Steven looked at her in all seriousness and said "Yes." He turned to Garnet, who, as usual, was standing with a stoic expression. "Can I keep him?" Garnet looked him in the eyes. That was her fatal mistake. Steven was doing his puppy-dog-starry eyes. 

"I can't say no to that face."

Later that night, Pearl and Garnet were setting up a bed/nest for the newest resident. Pearl looked up at the fusion, "Remind me how exactly we agreed to this?"

Garnet adjusted her sunglasses, "I lost a battle of will."

Not many changes. 


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