Start from the beginning

Inko looked at her son before she reached for him. "Is that what you were afraid of, all along?"

Izuku looked at her before nodding.

"Let me tell you something, Izuku..." Inko said. "The fear you feel inside your heart and the anxiety in your mind? Those things never disappear... they're there all the time-- lingering around. It's up to you whether you acknowledge them or fight them off... I know because the same fear and anxiety never left my side even after we've left your father years back,"

Inko gave her son a smile. "I was afraid too, and I still am now... I'm afraid that Shoto might actually be just the same as Hisashi or even worse... but I've seen him look at you and take care of you and even though one can never see how much love he has for you, I know that it is so strong that it's enough to make your fear and anxiety go away... Whenever you're with Shoto, I see you transform into a better version of yourself. That kind of love is a very rare thing to find Izuku..."

"I know that, but..."

"Shoto loves you and the child you're having," Inko said, "I see it in his eyes and I see it in yours... you've both already took a leap this big but he's still by your side, ready to face the future with you... so what are you afraid of?"

Izuku looked down on his lap as he thought about his mother's words. What am I afraid of? Back then, Izuku could confidently say that he was afraid his relationship with Shoto would take a bad turn if the child ever came out an omega like Izuku. But now... he wasn't sure. Shoto had shown nothing but excitedness and happiness upon knowing the big news of them having a child soon-- something that Izuku had destroyed when he announced that he wanted to abort the child.

"You keep saying that you're afraid Shoto would hate and hurt the child if ever it was an omega, like how Hisashi reacted when you became one..." Inko said, "But, don't you think it's really you hurting your child by not even giving it a chance to live just because you're too afraid to face the small possibility that your child might be an omega?"

Izuku looked up at Inko-- realization hitting him like a bus. "I..."

Inko gave her son a smile before she reached over and caressed her cheek. "I know you'll do the right thing in the end, Izuku..." she said.

Inko left Izuku in the kitchen to leave him to his thoughts while she answered her phone which she had left in her room. Seeing the caller ID, Inko answered Mitsuki's call-- whom left a bunch of missed call for the past half hour.

"Mitsuki-san? Is there something wrong?"

"Inko-san!" Mitsuki called over the other line and Inko could hear a distant yelling of pain in the background.

"Is everything okay?" Inko asked worriedly.

"I-It's Eijiro... he's... the baby's coming. We're on our way to the hospital now,"


"Mitsuki-san!" Inko called as she and Izuku rushed to the Bakugo family who was anxiously waiting by the waiting area of the hospital.

"What the hell are you doing here, shitty Deku?" Katsuki asked. "I though the old lady only called Inko-san?"

"He was with me when I received the call," Inko explained before holding Mitsuki's hands. "How is it?"

"Eiji's still in labor," Mistuki explained. "They wouldn't let Katsuki in since he was an alpha and with the pheromones Eiji would be releasing during labor, there would be no doubt that this idiot son of mine would go on rampage,"

"SAYS WHO, OLD LADY?!" Katsuki snapped, earning him a smack on the head.

"SHUT UP, YOU'RE TOO NOISY!" Mitsuki yelled back.

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