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" Shoto... Shoto-kun... wake up," 

Shoto groaned groggily as he forced his tired eyes to open and saw Izuku staring at him.

"Are you awake, Shoto-kun?" Izuku asked as the omega stroke the alpha's hair.

"Yes..." Shoto answered, still half-asleep, as he glanced at the clock to see that it was just two in the morning. "What's wrong? Do you have trouble sleeping?"

Izuku shook his head bashfully. "I-I just woke up a few minutes ago..." he answered. "a-and... um..."

Confused, Shoto slowly sat up and opened the lamp on his side of the bed. "Izu... what's wrong?" he asked, worry starting to fill him up.

"I'm fine, I swear, I... it's just..." Izuku averted his gaze.


"I-I'm hungry..." Izuku mumbled, making Shoto blink dumbly at him.

"Y-you're... hungry?" Shoto repeated and Izuku bashfully nodded.

"I-I know it's late, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have woke you up, I'll just go--"

"Wait, Izu, baby, are you..." Shoto said, "Are you starting your cravings?"

It had been a week since Izuku finally decided that he was going to keep their child after a deep heart to heart talk with his mother and after seeing Eijiro and Katsuki's baby. Shoto was beyond happy when Izuku told him that he was going to keep the baby and he was more than willing when Izuku asked him to be by the omega's child as they wait in excitement for the product of their love to be born. Izuku was in the middle of his first trimester and was starting to experience more pregnancy signs-- the nausea, the gaining of weight, the tiredness, the insomnia, and the cravings.

"I-I... I don't know," Izuku mumbled. "I-I just... I woke up and I kinda felt hungry, b-but..."


Izuku clenched his fist over his blanket. "I-I... I want... cheesecake,"

Shoto could only blink dumbly at his mate. He's definitely craving. "Y-you want cheesecake?" he asked.

"S-strawberry cheesecake," Izuku mumbled again and Shoto found it adorable that he let a chuckle escape his lips before he reached over Izuku's messy locks and combed it.

"Well... I don't know if there still are cake shops open that sells strawberry cheesecakes or shops that sell ingredients to make strawberry cheesecake, but I'll try driving around to see,"

Izuku looked up at Shoto in shock. "Y-you'll go outside... so you can buy me cheesecake?" he asked.

"Of course," Shoto answered with a smile before he got out of bed and Izuku watched as he put a shirt and some pants on. "But you have to promise me that you'd be safe while I'm gone... any slight discomfort and you'd dive for your phone to call me... okay?"

"But I want to come with--"

"You can't go out this late in the night," Shoto said before he sighed and planted a loving kiss over the omega's head. "I promise I'll be quick and I'll find you strawberry cheesecake... alright?"

Izuku looked like he still wanted to argue with Shoto to persuade him to take the omega with him, but he just gave out a silent sigh before nodding. "Be careful..."

Giving his omega a smile, Shoto turned and went for the door after he got his car keys and Izuku watched from the window as he saw Shoto driving off in the late evening to find his beloved mate the food he was craving for.

Minutes passed by and Izuku was starting to get anxious and restless as he continued to glance at the window to check if Shoto had already arrived. A few more minutes and Izuku had decided to run after his alpha instead of giving him a call, like how he promised Shoto, but as he was reaching for the door-- it swung open and Shoto appeared before him, holding a box of what smelt like strawberry cheesecake.

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