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"Let's see," Izuku mumbled to himself as he took a look on his phone where he kept his checklist of groceries he intended to buy today as he took a cart and started walking around the grocery aisle. "Some cabbages, onion, garlic and--"

Izuku was cut off when his phone started ringing and Shoto's caller ID flashed upon his screen to which he immediately answered. "Shoto-kun?"

"Hey, I got a free-time at work so I thought I'd check in on you and-- where are you? Why is it so noisy? Are you outside?"

"A-at the grocery store, why?" Izuku answered.

"Grocery store?  I thought you weren't feeling well?"

"I'm fine, Shoto-kun," Izuku answered as he could help but smile at the his alpha's worriedness. "I'll just be quick. I forgot to shop yesterday and we already have no ingredients at home,"

"I can just buy them on my way home later,"

"If I let you shop for groceries the supermarkets around town would already be closed by the time you get off from work," Izuku said before he sighed. "I'm really okay, I was just a bit dizzy when I woke up,"

He heard Shoto sigh from the other line. "Alright, fine. But you have to be finished after five minutes,"

"Are you crazy?"

"I though you would be quick? Five minutes is already enough time to grab what you need,"

"I promise, I'll be fine, okay?" Izuku said, hoping that his words would reassure his worried alpha.

"Okay fine, but... call me when you're home, alright?"

"I will. Be safe at work, I love you,"

"I love you too,"

Izuku sighed as soon as he ended the call. These past few weeks he had been feeling a bit off with random colds and headaches would suddenly welcome him in the morning, followed by nausea. Shoto had been worried for him and even went far to bringing his work home to keep an eye on Izuku but it resulted to the omega not having done actual work at all, so as soon as he felt better, he decided to go grocery shopping and plan to clean their unit as soon as he gets home.

"Mama, please get me this! Please!" A kid from a distance took Izuku's attention and he watched as a boy begged for his mother to buy him a lollipop.

He and Shoto had considered that Izuku's sudden immunity crash might be him being pregnant-- a possibility that scared the omega so much that he immediately took a pregnancy test that tested negative, which had Izuku sighing with relief. 

It wasn't as if he didn't want to have a child with Shoto. He just knew that he and Shoto were too young and still weren't ready to start a family of their own, and with their wedding coming the following year, there was so much the couple have to prepare before thinking about having children.

"Hi! Would you like to have a free taste on our new product?" A saleslady called Izuku's attention as she offered him a cup of coffee that came from a new product name.

Being a fan of milk and coffee equally, Izuku happily took the cup and gulped it down-- expecting the satisfying after taste it gives. However, Izuku was taken by surprise when he felt his stomach churn as bile started rising that had him gagging-- his hands automatically going over his mouth in an attempt to stop himself.

"Oh my, a-are you okay sir?" The saleslady asked worriedly.

Izuku took deep breaths to try and keep his stomach at bay before he answered. "I-I'm fine," he answered before he hurriedly turned and walked away-- avoiding the eyes that he attracted after making his little scene.

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