moving day

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[the clothes she's wearing]

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[the clothes she's wearing]

A blonde-haired girl snuggled up into her aqua coloured doona, on-top of her metallic coloured bedside desk laid a pink alarm clock. the clock went off, she woke up and turned it off and sat up, her blonde hair flowed over her pale face. the petite girl raised her arms stretching, she slipped out of her bed walking over to her bathroom. the 17-year-old stripped out of her pyjamas stepping into her shower and turning it on.


The green-eyed girl stepped out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her body walking out of her bathroom and into her closet.

getting out her outfit for today.

she walked downstairs and outside, she walked over to a old barn, she pulled open the sliding doors, she walked to a stall, and she opens the stall door, she walked in to see a beautiful white Arabian "hey boy" the girl whispered grabbing a black halter with a matching lead-rope

she walked downstairs and outside, she walked over to a old barn, she pulled open the sliding doors, she walked to a stall, and she opens the stall door, she walked in to see a beautiful white Arabian "hey boy" the girl whispered grabbing a black ...

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she slipped the halter onto the Arabian, Luna turned around leading the stallion outside to a horse trailer, she wrapped the leash around the white horse's neck, she pats the horses back silently telling the steed to go in. Luna watched as the stallion walked in the trailer and waited for the gate to be closed.


The petite sarcastic girl walked up the stairs to the airport, she snatched her ticket having enough of the mean looks she was getting for flying alone. Her family had left a couple days ago, she had to stay to make sure that chase was going to be brought over to forks as well. the blonde-haired girl sighed as she bordered the airplane.

[well, this is the first chapter sorry for the short chapter. not me going through and reading the chapter to make sure the grammar was okay......who the hell taught me English, cause frankly I'm shit at this xd]

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