3:30 PM

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A/N   Please keep in mind that I am exactly not the best at creating stories, and I do not exactly know how to add two different fandoms into one book. so, I will just try and put them together, so when you see the OC interact with the Winchesters it will be in a forum of a flashback...or a dream!! anyway.... Also, I don't have any idea how to make the characters in my book sound/act like the actual characters. so please do not hate on me for my story xd. on with the story.


            {Outfit she's wearing in this chapter}

Luna sighed as she trudged out of the school doors, she had just finished handing in the slip into the school office, she slipped her left hand into her pocket and grabbed out the keys for her...well her uncle's car. Walking over to the chevy impala Luna unlocked the doors, slipping into the driver's seat. Turning on the car she smiled as she heard the purring noise of the car, switching into first gear. [I also have no knowledge of cars ever xd] Pressing down on the gas the emerald-eyed girl sped out of the school parking lot, speeding down the street Luna drums her fingers along to the song that came over the caseate tapes. Speeding around the corner the teenager pulled to a stop as she stopped in front of her house. Jumping out of the car she turns and locks the car, skipping up the steps leading to her new home. Unlocking the front door, she steps in-through the small gap between the door, closing it behind her and locking the door the 17-year-old walked through the hallway up towards her room.


Laying down in her bed the teenager sighed, looking over at her alarm clock it read 3:30 PM closing her eyes she fell asleep. moving around in the bed she finds a comfortable position and falls into a deep sleep, only to wake up in a car? Sitting up the girl looks up to see two men sitting in the front seat of her uncle's car "Uncle Dean--what are you doing here?" the girl mumbled rubbing the sleep from her tired eyes. The tallest out of the two men turned to look at the girl, letting out a huff of air the man [moose] rolls his eyes smiling. "Did you forget? were on our way to a nest of vampires Luna" spoke the man, who then proceeded to turn back to facing the front. "Huh...I-I could've sworn I was asleep in my bed..." the Teenager mumbled more-so to herself, reaching into her pocket she pulls out her phone, she watches the time "How is it 3:30 pm..when its barely even 10 am..?" the girl whispered to herself watching as the time never changed from 3:30 pm. [for those who don't know, in Australia our school times finished at 3:20 pm so, basically, she got home as soon as school finished and fell asleep at exactly 3:20 pm] "Hey Uncle Dean what's the time?" Luna questioned looking at him through the mirror. "Well, it's....8:17 am" looking down at the radio he read out the time, he then proceeded to look up at his niece through the mirror. "Why, is something wrong" he spoke watching her with a wary look.  "n-no" Luna sighed closing her eyes she leaned her head against the window of the chevy impala. closing her eyes Luna fell asleep. 


Luna woke up, stretching her body she stepped outside of the car, looking at the abandoned factory. "Good-morning sleepyhead" chuckled Sam, as he swept his luscious locks to the side of his face. "Shut up Sammy" Dean spoke jabbing Sam gently in the side of his ribcage. [again, I don't know how to write characters properly so don't hate on me x] "Uhm...okay, anyway Uncle Dean, Uncle Sam... Are we going to do what we originally went here for??" Luna questioned, placing her hands on her hips, tilting her head to the side. "Oh, yeah...Hehe" Dean chuckled, walking over to the trunk of the car. opening the trunk up he pulled up the false door. Looking at all the weapons Dean reached into the trunk, grabbing out a handful of weapons he handed them to his brother and his niece. Grabbing the stakes and other assortments of weapons from her uncle Dean, Luna placed her weapons into her back pocket? [idk how to store weapons in an outfit xd] Slamming the trunk door, Dean turned around, placing his stake in his back pocket he turned to face his little brother and his niece. "Alright! let's go" Dean spoke raising his head and took point, walking up towards the abandoned factory, looking back one time he looked at his brother and niece to see they were following him. Walking into the factory the three of them pulled out their flashlights and shined them around the factory. "Split up, but make sure to be safe" Sam spoke turning his body to be looking at his niece and Dean. All he got were two sets of okays. before they all split up, walking into different directions.


the sound of a radio played in the background as two people spoke to one another the static of the radio was loud, loud enough to block out the voices of the two adults. standing beside the trunk of their car stood a girl wrapped in a blue blanket shivering from the cold. she watched as they were searching through the trunk moving around guns and stakes, letting out a giggle she watched as they panicked searching for a med kit. "guy's I'm fine, I'm not hurt. it's not my blood" the blonde-haired girl spoke up watching as the two males stilled for only a second before continuing on with searching through the trunk. "Plus...the med kit is in the back seat, not in the trunk." the girl chuckled as she watched both of them look up at her in shock. "I'm fine anyway, plus I'm HUNGRYYYY" the girl whined as she stomped her foot against the gravel road. "WHAT?!" Dean turned around to look at his niece "DID YOU GET BLOOD IN THE CAR?!!" He snapped a scared look on his face, panicking he looked over his car. "Oh well, I'm glad you care more about the car than the me, Uncle Dean" Luna grumbled crossing her arms. smiling at her uncle.


The purring of the car fell into the background with the music of Deans treasured radio tapes. looking over his shoulder dean watched as his niece fell asleep, her head leaned against the window of the car. Luna groaned as she started to stir from her sleep, she frowned hearing a blaring noise in her ear like an alarm... "turn off the alarm" she mumbled to herself. wait a alarm. She questioned in her mind, sitting up from leaning on the widow she opened her eyes. to find out she was sitting in her bed??

"Huh, what the- I could've sworn that I was in the Impala." Luna whispered to herself....

[ahhhh finally 1214 Words, yayyy. now I finished this chapter. And again, I never said I was good at writing, but if you do have any good ideas for the book or anything that could help with my writing, maybe you could write some in the comments xd]

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