Mold (chapter 1)

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It was , terrible. He walked into the unit with eyes wide open, colorful, shiny. His finger about to touch a green  Cladosporium. One of the most common fungi and molds out there. "H-hey stop! Idiot!" The one beside him exclaimed , yanking the smaller kids curious hand away. Holding his finger like a pencil before throwing it away. The smaller kid tilting his bright curious eyes and head as his freckled face let out a abundance of laughter, a small twitch and a shake of a hand the kid stimmed. "What? Could possibly be bothering you? The fact that i might choke and die from fuzzy fungus fumes?" The smaller kid snickered. Backing away from the corner as he stood up straight. The kid was 12, and he still hasn't grown from his 3'8 stature of dignified shorty. The much taller kid, round' 5'5 was 13 . A year older then the short weirdo.
An older monster lady exclaimed from the desk reception "Hey! Boys! Get back in. You need to go to the day room, some parents are arriving today to look at both of your boys applications."
A look of happiness boomed from the short colorful boy, the taller stripped of his purple cheeks . His toy crown tilting as he narrowed his eyes . Ink the short colorful one booming with happiness had been waiting since birth to get adopted. Never having any relatives or siblings. However, nightmare. The purple boy with the fake crown had been separated with his own twin. Who had been adopted years prior due to his , well "Adorable smile." And "golden gate eyes." Nightmare was wise enough to know they would be separated. The two have been friends ever since the two ever entered foster care. The colorful ones round, golden glasses tilted due to the offset bridge. "Nightmare?"...."Earth to Nightmare!" Ink waved his hand back and forth. His sneakers squeaking . "Dude! Your going into space again! That's my thing-" he argued . "What's wrong?"
"Oh." Nightmare started . Fixing his crown as he properly fixed his collar . "Nothing much , weirdo. Excited you'll have your own bed?" Nightmare responded with a Joking voice. "Aha! Very funny. We both know they would Have to put us together . We're two peas in a pod- a packaged deal! A meal of two ramen bags- tomato tomato! We both promised to keep each other safe-" —-"yeah yeah, i get it freckle boy." The 13 year old responded . Ink folding his arms in confidence as they headed to play with the other kids. Nightmare sitting down at a bench and Sharing a PBnJ with the freckled weirdo,ink.

However, when the time come where they'd have to head to their rooms, the two orphans looking outside the door despite it being blatantly not allowed. One of the helpers came over and welcomed ink outside ink giving a quick wave and a "ill be right back!" The two friends didn't know it would be their last goodbye, Nightmare simply smiling and waving as he turned his next page . And nightmare waited, minutes turned into hours, days, he asked questions. Became passive aggressive . A Hate for his former roommate, foster friend, orphan buddy, his matched pea in a pod. He left. No explanation, no reason- partially , he blamed himself. Himself for what he himself  had promised. A swear, even .
"I promise to keep you safe. No matter where you are ill watch over you. Ill beat up the bad guys like on those mind melting cartoons."
"Well I promise to keep you safe happy, i don't want that shy smile of yours to leave like when you read those cheesy romance novels!" And a giggle from ink
he could still remember that giggle . The pig like snorts, the way he ate was pig like too. A nickname he had for him was "Little piglet."
Smart,curious,chubby and had a love for getting messy in thick substances. Like paint. Perfect for the nick name .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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