Hogsmeade and Pygmy Puffs

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Life without Quidditch for the Weasley twins was proving to be most challenging. They were growing agitated, the hours where they'd be on the Quidditch pitch were replaced by evenings in Gryffindor tower, surrounded by students doing their school work and general doings that uninterested Fred and George's rather chaotic nature.

The twins had a lot of energy (surprisingly) that they were longing to burn off. Professor Umbridge had not only banned them from ever playing Quidditch again whilst she walked on Hogwarts's soil but she had also found it prudent to take their beloved broomsticks from them and lock them away in that ghastly pink office of hers. This energy was therefore put into late night wanderings, all of which they had begged for Skylar to join them (to which she plainly refused) and, most unfortunately for her, throwing their attention onto that damned list of theirs. Skylar had plainly refused their 'ingenious' idea of drinking Firewhiskey till she was red in the face and the twins had left her burning of embarrassment after pushing her into a nearby Roger Davis and instructing her on a contraceptive spell to use if she ever were to need it.

Skylar was reaching the very end of her patience having the Weasley twins around her so often. Her evenings were once relaxing, where she could do her Charms work; the only sounds being the soft crackling of the fire and soft purrs from Wilfred as he wound his body round her legs. She did not enjoy the evenings where Fred laughed manically at George while he turned into large canary.

"Don't you two ever have homework?" She shot at them one Wednesday evening over the top of a particularly nasty Arithmancy essay.

Fred gave her an indigent look, "Of course we do," he said in matter of fact sort of tone.

"But does that mean we do it?" George smirked. "'Course not,"

"You two are unbelievable." Skylar seethed, though the corners of her mouth twitched. She had to admit, the twins were annoying but if anybody's antics was to make her laugh despite interruptions, it would be Fred and George Weasley's.

Their DA lessons had also proven to be an outlet for Fred and George's loss of Quidditch. All members of Dumbledore's Army had progressed greatly, their focus being various hexes and jinxes such as Impediment Jinx, Reductor Curse (which both Ginny and Skylar had excelled in) and perfecting the Stunning Spell. The twins thrived in stunning one another and casting jinxes behind Skylar's back, rendering her immobile for several moments.

"One more time," she spat to a pair of giggling twins once she regained movement in her arms, "and I swear to Godric Gryffindor–"

George crossed his long arms over his chest, amusement evident in his eyes, "You'll what?"

"Stomp your feet and pout your lips?" Fred smirked, prodding Skylar's bottom lip that had jutted out.

"Shut up," She swatted his hand away with a mildly annoyed expression. She turned her attention away from the twins and focused instead on Harry, who had just signalled the end of the session, "You two are unbearable." She added under her breath.

"I am loving all of these insults Skylar," Fred beamed with glee when he and the other members of the DA exited the Room of Requirement in small groups, so to not attract attention of a prowling Argus Filch.

"I dare say they were insults Freddie," said George with a wry smile, "More of a compliment. I quite like the idea that Skylar finds us unbearable. All the more fun in infuriating our favourite girl."

Skylar went pink the face, she had not been anybody's favourite before, let alone two of the most popular guys in Gryffindor. Though the twins may have been joking, she still couldn't help but be flattered at the idea of being the Weasley twins favourite.

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