Stupid, Stupid List

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Over the next few days Skylar had avoided Fred and George. The more she thought about it, the more she realised how completely stupid she had been to agree with them over that stupid list and she hoped that by ignoring them, they would forget about it or give her up as a bad job. They continued with their shenanigans, the pranks they had pulled in barely six days were outstanding. They had somehow managed to tie Mrs. Norris to one of the school's broomstick and sent her racing around the Astronomy Tower for a good half hour before Professor McGonagall could get her down. Then they transfigured several of the Slytherin's breakfast into maggots (which had caused quite a ruckus) and then charmed Alicia Spinnet's shoes so that they wheeled about for an entire Charms lesson.

Skylar was immersed in her Alchemy spell book, Alchemy: Book of Shadows. Skylar had been one of the very few students who had been chosen for the subject, the other students were mostly Ravenclaws but it was one of her favourite lessons. The library was quiet as it was a Saturday and most of the castle's occupants were enjoying lunch in the Great Hall. That was until...

"So then I told him that I would give her homework to Professor Snape," said Malcom Grimstone's cold and malicious voice from behind the bookshelf that Skylar was sitting behind.

She froze in her spot, not daring to make a sound.

"And did you give Snape his essay?" Lisette asked as their voices became louder and louder every step they took.

"No!" Malcom said laughing and his laughter was echoed by his friends.

Skylar was wishing upon her wand that Malcom, Lisette or any other of the Slytherins who followed them around would not notice her, but...

"Cry Baby! What a pleasant surprise!"

The Alchemy book was ripped from her hands. Skylar was rather unimpressed by his complete lack of originality when it came to tormenting her, tacking away her books was becoming rather old.

"What do you want?" Skylar asked in a bored voice.

Malcom's cold icy eyes narrowed as he looked from her face to her book.

"Now what do we have here?" His thin lips grew into a wide and unpleasant smile as he skimmed through the pages of the book. "Alchemy... how very interesting..." His tone made her feel uneasy and her eyes flickered around to the rest of the Slytherins. "Do you mind if I borrow a few pages?" And he began to tear page after page out of her book.

"Don't!" She squealed as she jumped to her feet and tried to prise her book from Malcom's hands, but Lisette and Teresa had grabbed her arms and held her back.

"This is really interesting," Malcom continued to rip the pages from her book, smiling wickedly.

"Please!" Skylar squeaked, feeling completely and utterly embarrassed by the situation. It was times like this that she questioned why she was even in Gryffindor. Surely she would just stand up for herself? She felt her eyes begin to fill with tears and Malcom grabbed her bag and pulled out several more books and she prayed that Madam Pince would at least put a stop to this, but the vulture-like Liberian was nowhere to be seen. "Don't Malcom, please!"

"She's crying!" Lisette shrieked gleefully. "Look at her blubber!"

"I'll do anything!" Skylar begged. "Please don't!"

"She's actually begging Malcom," Adriano Morrigan laughed derisively.

"You'll do anything?" Malcom asked and his icy eyes seemed to darken as Skylar nodded without hesitation. "Anything?" He dropped her book on the floor and before she could grab it, Malcom's hand enclosed itself around her wrist and pulled her towards him so that they were face-to-face.

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