Fred and George's Secret Layer

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It wasn't at all surprising to Skylar that her second was even worse than the first. Umbridge had kept her this time till two in the morning, which meant Skylar had been cutting and cutting into her hand for nine hours. Fred and George had once again stayed in the common room awating her return, they and both Skylar were abashed as to why Umbridge had kept Skylar so long but Skylar thought she knew why. Because to Umbridge Skylar was an easy target.

"You didn't get another detention this time though?" Fred asked, surveying Skylar as she hungrily bit into the sandwich George had given her.

Skylar quickly shook her head, unable to speak as her mouth was full of a ham sandwich.

When in Hogsmeade, Skylar tended to avoid going to pubs. She spent most of her time in the bookshops and in Honeydukes. There were two pubs in Hogsmeade altogether. There was the Three Broomsticks, the most popular of the pubs as it always seemed to be fit to bursting with students and Hogsmeade villagers. Then there was the Hogs Head, a shady looking and altogether not so appealing looking pub that students and villagers avoided. And this was the place where Fred and George Weasley, along with Lee Jordan, were dragging Skylar. They had already reluctantly dragged her into Zonko's Joke Shop where it appeared they had brought every single product on the selves while she was literally glued to Fred's side (he had used a sticking charm on her sleeve to prevent her running off as though she was a child).

The Hogs Head looked even worse inside than it looked on the outside. The room in which they now stood was small; it was also very dirty and dingy. The windows were so covered in grime and filth that Skylar could barely see through them. The wooden tables placed around the room looked rough, but the candles that stood on them seemed to brighten the room ever so slightly. The stone floor of the place is so dirty that it looks as though there is not a floor at all, but instead that the building is simply built on open ground. Skylar made a face of disgust and looked up at George who stood beside her.

"This isn't a joke is it?" She asked him as they approached the bar.

"Of course it's not!" George cried indignitedly. "Hermione just wanted the meeting place to be somewhere we couldn't be overheard,"

"So she chose a pub where it's not overcrowded and we could be easily overheard?" Skylar raised an eyebrow and George looked down at her with a hesitant look. "You honestly think that we won't be overheard in this pub?"

"It'll fine," said George airily.

"Hi," Fred greeted the barman. Skylar thought he looked suspiciously familiar; he had long, string-like grey hair and a long beard. Behind the rather dirty lenses of his spectacles were eyes of a brilliant blue. "Could we have... twenty-six Butterbeers, please?"

Skylar had to hide the disgust on her face as the barman began to pass Fred extremely dusty bottles of Butterbeer from under the bar.

"When was the last time they cleaned this place?" She asked George in a whisper.

He shrugged in reply and handed Skylar a bottle of Butterbeer, "Your very first bottle of Butterbeer."

"It's got grime around the edges,"

So, rather reluctantly, Skylar handed Fred two sickles for her first bottle of Butterbeer and sat down on vacant seats between George and Angelina. She picked at the grime around the top of her bottle, not at all impressed that she would be drinking out of it.

"Come here," said George, taking the bottle from her hands and tapping it with his wand, the dust and grime disappeared almost at once. He stuffed his wand into his jacket pocket before hitting the top of the bottle against a table, taking the lid off completely. He winked before he handed it back to Skylar, "enjoy it."

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