Insecurities Her Father Made

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"Haven't seen you around recently, Cry Baby."

Skylar's back smacked harshly against the hard wall of the Transfiguration corridor, her head hitting the harsh stone with a sickening thump! Lisette, Jessica, and Teresa had somehow managed to track down Skylar shortly after she had left the Great Hall for lunch.

"Word has it that the Weasley twins are acting as your sort of bodyguards," Lisette sneered. Her long nails were digging into the skin around Skylar's wrist, causing her to wince and whimper in pain.

Skylar shook her head frantically, she was making sure not to move her arm so that Lisette's nails didn't scratch further into her skin which was already throbbing painfully. "They're m-my friends!"

"Ohhh friends!" Jessica shrieked, swishing her blonde hair deliberately so that it hit Skylar around the face. "What friends they are! They aren't even here to help you."

She limped away from the scene several minutes later. Her lip was bleeding rather badly, curtesy of Lisette's nails that had scratched her, and she was nursing her lightly bleeding wrist to her chest. She was limping because Teresa had found it prudent to give her a good kick in the shins. Her books were also not in the best shape – Jessica had made sure to rip them all cleanly in half and had 'accidentally' lost most of their pages. But, miraculously, Skylar had managed not to cry in front of them. She had at least managed to hold it in.

Now, she had several injuries to heal and books to mend. It appeared that the Slytherin girls had taken to physically bullying her now. At least it was just Lisette and her cronies, Skylar thought miserably. She shuddered at the thought of one of Malcom's fat knuckles punching her – she would probably be out cold for days.

Skylar sat down on a vacant bench in one of the courtyards and let out a deep sigh. Fred and George were yet to find her so that they could drag her along for her dreaded first time at flying. So far, Skylar felt like she was doing a very good job at hiding from them. She had seen them once today however briefly during breakfast before they were whisked away by Snape for a detention.

Her back still ached from being forced against the wall and her knee throbbed from the harsh contact of Teresa's dolly shoes had made with it. She winced slightly, flexing her leg, but almost immediately ceasing the movement as a sharp pain shot up her leg. Stupid bloody Slytherins.

"You ready for your flying lesson Miss Harrison?"

Fred and George had arrived. Skylar mentally noted that she would have to ask them how on earth they could find her so easily.

"Uhm..." she murmured, looking down at her shoes so they could not see her cut lip. "Can we take a rain check? I have homework to do."

Fred grabbed Skylar under her arms and hoisted her up to her feet. Skylar immediately let out a loud gasp of pain and crumpled to the ground, her knee throbbing madly.

"What happened to you?" Fred asked, carefully trying to lift Skylar to her feet without causing her any further pain. He inspected her cut lip while George poked and prodded her knee.

"Ouch! George!" Skylar hissed, squeezing her eyes shut in pain.

"Sorry," he called cheerily before he withdrew his wand from the pocket of his robes.

Skylar recoiled instantly.

"What?" George asked her, looking rather amused. "I'm going to help soothe the pain and get rid of that bruise. It looks rather painful."

Skylar grimaced. "Oh yes, it's very painful."

George managed to soothe the pain significantly and used a tub of thick yellow paste to help the bruise fade a little, while Fred on the other hand had managed to stop her lip from bleeding by dabbing it with a tissue.

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