Chapter 2

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A small yawn uttered from Ochako’s lips, slowly waking up on her bed. It was a Saturday and it was the day to do some cleaning around. But her lids felt heavy and she still didn’t want to get up. 

She even struggled to manage to keep them open and herself conscious. 

Still.. sleepy

She glanced down tiredly at her mitten covered hands. 

She raised them to her face and lazily took the mittens off. 

Her eyes were hooded. 

“..what time is it?” She forced herself to sit up while rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. 

Her voice was hoarse. She turned towards the edge of the bed, placing her feet down on the cold wooden floor. If she saw the time correctly, it was 7 am.

Her throat felt dry. Very dry.

With that, she sleepily stood up taking small steps to her door. She held the knob to twist it and padded outside with a sleepy grumble.

“mnn.. water” she yawned softly.

Ochako started to take small strides towards the elevator. She was still in her pajamas but she could care less at her state right now.

She was really thirsty.

She made her way to the kitchen downstairs and scratched her messily tangled chestnut locks. 

It was dark. 

Her eyes were half-closed as she walked over to the familiar fridge. Four of her fingers went to the handle and nudged the fridge open. 

The faint light illuminating on her face. 

Why am I so tired? I didn’t stay up that late last night. That’s weird..

She stretched a bit before taking her pink hydro flask. Sluggishly twisting the cap with her fingers, she drank a good amount of water to relieve the dryness in her throat. But what’s weirder is that no one was awake yet.

Did they go somewhere?

“..where’s everyone?” she closed the fridge slowly, turning to the side with a sleepy hum.  

“They’re asleep.”

“Eek!” Ochako jumped a bit, unconsciously letting go of the hydro flask and its cap. Her sight adjusted to the darkness of the kitchen and she saw a mess of blonde hair. 

A familiar pair of red eyes met hers.


"B-Bakugou you scared me" She blinked at him, slowly regaining her composure.

She immediately noticed there was no fall or water on her bare feet. Her head tilted upwards to confirm her thoughts. 

And there it was. The water bottle floating above in the dark close to the ceiling. 

"Are you half-asleep?"

She probably touched them with her 5 fingers because of her drowsiness.

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