Chapter 1

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It was a very long day.

"I'm home!" 

Despite this thought, Ochako's tired yet cheery voice greeted everyone in the living room of the dormitories. An exhausted smile painted softly on her lips. 

"Ochako-chan, you seem pretty drained" A soft pat on the head from Tsuyu welcomed her the moment she stepped inside the living room. She was right, this Monday really drained her out.

"I had to run some errands for my parents, sorry for missing dinner" She yawned glancing at the clock. It was 8 pm.

"You should rest up, uraraka-san" Deku placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Have you eaten though?" Mina glanced at her with a worried expression.

"Mhm! Thank you for worrying everyone but I'll be fine! Just need some rest" she smiled brightly despite the tiredness in her movements. Deku watched as she went to the elevator and waited for it to close.

He couldn't help but worry for her. She is his friend. 

The soft pitter-patter of the rain chimed outside as Ochako took a step inside of the familiar hallway. Despite the soreness behind her knees, she mustered up every ounce of strength left in her to drag herself into her room. 

The familiar scent of home relaxing her instantly and she glanced down at her wet slightly-tattered school shoes. 

I need to replace these soon.

Her palm lifted to close the door behind her, while the other started unbuttoning her uniform. She took her shoes off and quickly padded inside her small room.

Ochako changed out of her uniform and into much comfortable attire. 

"Aaah finally free" she couldn't explain the amount of relief that washed over her for having no bra.  

Her eyes darted towards the VR system kit she brought here 2 months ago. If Deku and Iida were to see this, they'd be scolding her for not telling them she was struggling with money.

Being a sophomore in UA was already hard enough, and there was literally no time for games.

But this isn't just about some silly game, this was for her parents who were struggling with money and she wanted to help, even in little ways as possible.


"I mean there are openings for being a beta tester in the WIP Oasis" Power Loader said hesitantly looking to the wall of the support room, ignoring her gaze.

"Beta tester? What do I need to do?" Her eyes stared at him with closed fists lifted just above her chest. 

"Well... um" He was reluctant to give out details to a student. I mean it wasn't normal for a student going to him and asking for a job.

"What is it?" Ochako asked in a desperate tone, patiently waiting for him to continue.

With a sigh, he turned around walking over to a VR system kit. He took the VR visor and lifted it, showing it to her.

Unexpected EncountersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя