chapter 1

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It's 6am and I'm excited to start senior year. I can't believe 4 years ago I was a freshman. Summer was fun because I hanged out with my boyfriend, Justin and my best friend, Liz. I start getting ready, and as I was getting ready I got a text from my mom saying, "enjoy your first day love."

My parents weren't really their for me... ya they are were physically, but in my head they are dead to me. I know it's kinda dark but it's true. They never have time for me, they are always busy working and I'm by myself all the time.

"HONK, HONK" I look outside my window and it's Liz. I get my stuff and run downstairs.

"What took you so long."
"Sorry, i lost track of time." I chuckled
"I'm just teasing. Call Justin we are picking him up"

I look at Liz confused because Justin has his own car, who can drive himself to school. This summer the three of us we're very close but I'm just hoping that we weren't too close.
"Excuse me?"
"His car broke down and needs a ride. He...didn't tell you"
I didn't say anything back, I'm just... it's just Justin didn't tell me. It's not really a big deal but how did he tell my best friend that and not me. We arrived to Justin's house and he walks toward us.
"Good morning, pretty ladies"
Liz smiles and just by the face she is making, she's in love with him. I ignored Justin.

"You ok Ronnie?"
My real name is Veronica. But Liz and Justin call me Ronnie. I rolled my eyes and ignored him again. I'm mad at him for not telling me that his car doesn't work

"Ok guys we are here"
I get out the car and head inside. "Veronica" I heard someone calling my name but I ignored. As I walk inside I heard my name called again. This time I turn around and yell "WHAT." And it's Justin.
"Look Justin, I'm not in the mood to talk."
"I just want to know what's up with you. Why are you acting strange?"
"Don't worry about it"
"What do you mean don't worry about!!" I ignored him and walked away. As I'm walking I my mouth gets covered and got forced into a the bathroom. I turn around and it's Justin.
"What the fuck Justin! I told you don't worry about it."
I try leaving the bathroom but Justin holds my wrist hard that I can't move it.
"Ronnie, you are not leaving until you tell me what's up."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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