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i woke up from my alarm clock "sweet pea get up we have school" i said to him as i got out of bed "no i don't wanna go" he said into the pillow "come on you log we have to go" i said pulling his arm "no let me sleep more" he said "as much as i would love to stay home we have to go" i said pulling him still he looked at me and pulled me into bed and was hovering over me "what if i make you stay" he said to me "how would you do that" i said to him, he leaned down and kissed me i kissed back he was trying to make out i wouldn't let him so he put his cold ass hand on my upper thigh i gasped at the coldness and he made his move we started to make out then he pulled away and went down to me neck but i pushed him off me "you get dressed we have school" i said and headed to the bathroom i put on my high wasted black ripped jeans with a white crop top and then i put on my serpent jacket and walked out of the bathroom "you cant wear that" sweet pea said looking at my jacket "yes i am and i have a plan and if you hurry i will tell you about it" i said to him putting my conversion's on 

we walked to school and i told him about what me and reggie have planed 

"reggie you did it" i said looking at everyone in serpents jackets "anything for you viper" he said then Mr.Weatherbee came out of his offices "what is this" he said to us "this is support for the kids from the south side who have to hide there self to be here" reggie said to him "you cant suspended all the kids" i said to him "get to class" he said in defeat we walked to class cheering, my phone rang as we got to the club classroom "hello" i said into the phone "baby did you think knocking me out would make me step down" malachi said "what do you want" i said to him "blood for blood you put me and my boys in jail now i want revenge so i guess this is a heads up cuz me and my friends will kill every last serpent but you have some time to enjoy yourself ill be seeing you in 2 months"  he said then hung up i walked in the classroom "hey everyone shut up" i yelled walking to the front of the classroom "i just got news that malachi is gonna try and fight us and i guarantee hes working with penny" i said to them "what are we gonna do" jug asked "well forthsight we are gonna fight back" i said to him "thats a death walk theres more of them than us" jughead said to me "im not going down forthsight not now not ever" i said to him "whatever but whats dad gonna think when he finds out this plan" jughead said to me "can you ever just shut your damn mouth forthsight hell malachi said we have 2 months" i said to my brother he walked out slamming the door, i turned to the teachers desk and kicked it in anger sweet pea came to me and hugged me "get the hell of me sweet pea" i yelled at him and walked away to the hall i sat down on the ground and my phone ran again "who is this" i said into the phone "this is fred" fred andrews said into the phone "sorry fred whats up" i said to him "its archie he didnt come home last night and i was just calling to see if you had seen him" fred said to me "no i haven't seen him today" i said realizing that he wasn't at school "oh ok well just call me if you have seen him" he said then hung up i went to reggies class "hey reggie i need you" i said to him interrupting the teacher "Mrs.Jones im in the middle of a class" he said to me "sorry its about his family so i need to talk to him" i said liying "ok reggie go" he said to reggie, reggie walked out with me and we headed to the music room "have you seen archie he didnt go home last night and he isnt at school" i asked him "he told me that he and veronica needed to do things" he said to me "so hes with the rich girl" i asked him "maybe let me call her" he said pulling out his phone and calling her "hey have you seen red" he asked threw the phone "ok thank" he said then hung up the phone "yea hes with her" he said to me "thanks reg" i said about to leave "why didn't you get betty or jughead" he asked and i stopped "me and betty dont like each other and me and forthsight are fighting" i said to him "oh why is that" he asked i turned to him "witch one betty or forthsight" i said and sat down "jughead" he said. i told him everything jughead said and did "wow i didn't think he would ever do that to you" reggie said "yea hes and ass sometimes" i said getting up "if you need to talk to someone im here for you" reggie said then hugged me, then as i walked out i seen cheryl blossom with her phone out i didnt mind it and just went to class i had with sweet pea "hey babe im sorry i yelled at you i was just pissed" i said to him  sitting down "your fine"  he said then class started then everyone's phone went off then sweet pea opened his phone "GOD DAMN IT" he said then walked out i followed him to see whats wrong "hey whats wrong" i asked as we reached the doors "really" he said pissed "yea whats wrong" i asked him again "so your just not gonna tell me what you and that bulldog did in the music room" he said and showed a picture of me and reggie hugging "he hugged me like friends do" i said to him making him laugh "really you want me to believe that you and him just hugged bullshit you and him have gotten closer than you and toni or you and fangs so dont tell me he is just a friend i see how he looks at you" he said then walked away i was shocked that he thought i cheated on him "so what your leaving me over and damn hug" i yelled he didnt say anything just keep walking away "sweet pea stop" i yelled and he stopped in place "that damn hug meant nothing to me and if your pissed cuz i went to talk to reggie over something stupid and he just hugged me cuz i told him whats been happening with me and jughead then be pissed but dont let that little thing ruin what we have" i said by now there was some serpents and bulldogs around us "what do we have with that mutt in the way" he said looking at me "what do you mean" i asked confused "we haven't hung out just the two of us in weeks cuz hes always there" he yelled i wont lie he was scaring me cuz ive never had him yell at me like this i could tell he was hurt "i-im sorry" i said low and scared then jughead came outside and ran to me and sweet pea and got in front of me "hey stop, i know your pissed but you yelling at her like this is scaring her and frankly you dont have the right to be pissed she had a hug with a friend who was talking to her so sweet pea think are you really gonna stand here and yell at her because your jealous of reggies and hers friendship" jug said to him "im not jealous" sweet pea said "then why are you pissed" jug asked him and he just walked away but my stupid self followed him he went to the trailer and i went in after him "sweet pea can we just talk please" o asked him "are you scared of me" he asked looking at me "what why would i be scared of you"i asked but lied "dont lie about it izzy tell me if i scar you" he said "no you dont scar me the thing that was scaring me was the fact that you were yelling at me in a way ive never seen so yes it scared me im i scared of you no im not" i said and walked up to him "im sorry i got pissed its just watching you him joke around and mess with each other it made me feel left out and that reggie was stealing you away from me" he said looking at the ground "awh baby no one can steal me away from you" i said hugging him he hugged back "lets watch movies " i said.       hours have passed and me and sweet pea are still watching moives but my phone rang  "hello" i said "is this jugheads sister" someone said "yea why" i asked sitting up "its cheryl i need help" the girl said "with what is jughead in trouble" i asked "no its toni after school me and her was walking in the woods when a man came out and knocked me out but when i woke up toni was gone" she said "im on my way" i said to her then hung up "hey whats up" sweet pea asked "its toni cheryl said she was knocked out but then when she woke up toni was gone" i said to him "ok do you want me to come help" he asked sitting up "no irs fine me and cheryl can do this" i said and left i meet cheryl at pops "hey" i said sitting down in the booth "well this was a sight i though i never would see" dad said "dad not right now i have business to do" i said and made him walk away to work "so whats wron-" i was saying till my phone went off "hello" i said "missing someone" malachi said "where is she" i asked pissed "come to the pit and dont bring anyone" he said then hung up "you are good with a bow right" i asked cheryl "yea why" she asked "follow me" i said and walked out of pops and drove to the pit where i seen penny "no friends" she asked "yea no one i just want toni and to leave" i said "um no how about toni gets free and you stay" malachi said walking out and pushing on toni "get your damn hands off my TT or ill shoot" cheryl said walking out of the wood "my friend here doesn't miss so either give us toni or she will end you for good malachi" i said smirking at him "oohh your good" he said and pushed toni again making her fall "shoot the can next to him or just shoot him" i said to cheryl and she let go and shot the can next to him "again next time it will be you head" i said to him he pushed toni to us "dont think this is over sunshine" he yelled as we ran away to the bikes "that was fun" toni said sarcastically 

short one again sorry next one will be long<3

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