who am i?

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I'm Isabella Jones, yea daughter of FP and the beast herself Glades Jones. I'm the stone of the family, I'm the one who makes the hard life decisions in the family I'm always keeping dad and Jug in line. but jughead is the smart one, he stays to himself most times when out but he's different, dad is the drunk ass who is never really around but when you need him, he's there. jellybean is.... Well i don't know what Jb she and Glades left when i was 5, jug was 4. so, i never really had that thing with her. But I'm not like jug or dad i don't want Glades to come back she left me, jug and, dad with nothing and took my little sister with her. 

but back to me like i was saying I'm the fighter of the family and if someone even dares to say something to upset me or make me mad i will hurt them and if i don't well I'll end up hurting my fist with a wall or anything i can punch. But im 16 now and im starting to let some people in well not that many only jug and dad again but Toni, fangs and sweet pea have been by my side since we were in pre-k so there my best friends.

 Every young serpent looks up to me manly cause im here all day and night with dad while jug goes to the northside to see that of his girl and friends but jug didn't like that dad and me had a stronger relationship but that was cause i spent more time with him and the serpents i wanted to be one but dad always said i was to young even tho he joined when he was 15 but i stay to myself when its dad but even i have my moment's. Its rare to see me cry or smile to another serpent or person only my family get to see me smile but i have to be strong with everyone or they think im a little girl cause im fp daughter but me i don't care

i have black long hair with blue eyes no idea where i get them from but yea this is me i look older then a 16 year old but hey who cares

i have black long hair with blue eyes no idea where i get them from but yea this is me i look older then a 16 year old but hey who cares

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Hi im not new to wattpad i have tried to wright a few but they suck and i wanted to try something new so here i am.HI AGAIN I'M UPDATING THIS BOOK

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