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The sun shined through the giant windows, bathing the the large room in light. Felicity sat at her desk, stacks of documents on both sides of her desk. She reached for her coffee, dissapointed to find it empty. A flustered sigh escaped her tired body.

"Well that figures." She said to herself, removing her glasses and massaging her tired eyes. The sound of a mug clinking onto her desk caught her attention. Lifting her spirits from the gloom of the corporate workday. Diggle stood smiling next to her desk, a cup of coffee in his hand as well.

"Thank you so much." Felicity excitedly began, grasping the mug and gulping it's warm contents. After a satisfying smile reached her face she continued.

"I needed that." Diggle chuckled to himself, taking a sip from his mug. Felicity rearranged some of her paperwork, shifting the sizes of the piles that surrounded her.

"You know. I don't remember Oliver ever having this much paperwork during his entire breif, yet memorable, stint as CEO." She stated, holding her hands over the cluttered desk.

"Not that I'm complaining however...I'm sure he would've found a way to pass it on to me." She immediately regretted saying the words, they were harsher than she had expected.

"That was rude, I didn't mean that." Diggle smiled, he knew Felicity just needed to vent.

"You know Felicity I enjoy being your bodyguard more than I ever did Oliver's." Diggle began, moving closer to the window. After her promotion, Felicity had decided to offer both Oliver and Diggle positions in the new Queen Consolidated turned Palmer Technologies turned Queen Technologies. She had figured giving Oliver an overseeing position would keep him from being forced to do too much work outside of the Foundry. For Diggle she decided shaking things up would be best for all their covers and after Oliver's continous badgering, she offered John the role of her bodyguard. The cover wasn't much of a change for Diggle, for the exception of trading a former billionaire playboy for a former IT girl. For Felicity however, the change was extremely odd at first. She took some time to get used to the fact that Diggle was working for her and not Oliver.

"You're just saying that because I bought you a couch." Felicity replied, smiling as she pointed toward the leather sofa near the corner of the room. Diggle laughed as he looked to the couch.

"Actually it's the fact that I don't have to worry about you dissappearing everytime you go to the bathroom." He explained looking back to his friend. They both laughed, one of the things she enjoyed most about Diggle following her around all day.

"Felicity, what is the difference between these two forms and why do they keep sending them back to me?" Oliver asked, storming into the room with both documents flapping in the wind. Felicity sighed, reaching for the papers. Oliver eagerly handed the papers over, happy to be rid of them. Felicity read the documents, searching for the issue.

"I spoke too soon." She muttered, glancing at a smiling Diggle. Oliver rubbed the side of his head, fighting off a headache. He spotted the fresh mugs of coffee and quietly asked.

"Glad to see your new arrangement is working out." Diggle shrugged his shoulders, knowing the comment was meant for him. Oliver felt the heat from the nearby coffee move to his skin, igniting another memory. The heat of the flames were all around him, reaching for him longing to collect his being. He felt the fire nip at his fingers that wrapped around his bow, a very extension of himself. Tremors found there way through Oliver's hand once again, causing it to uncontrollably spasm. He quickly hid his shaking hand off to this side, keeping it out of sight from his friends. Diggle noticed Oliver's sudden change of body laguage, sensing something causing him uneasiness other than the paperwork frustration. Felicity looked up from the documents and began.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now