time jump breakup

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          * i always wanted to see how toby dealt with the breakup , and like his pov when spencer came back to rosewood after the time jump so here's how i wrote it :)  *

" I think we should breakup" Spencer murmured , breaking the silence. It was rainy outside , it was one of those days where just everything around you was just .. sad .The air , the people . It was one of those days you hated. I looked up at her, she had tears in her eyes . It didn't really seem like something she wanted to do , but she had to .

I wanted to say no, and tell her how much I love her . And that this was something that we would overcome . That we would fight for each other . That I couldn't lose her again . But then a part of me realized that , I had given up too. But Spencer has been my comfort place for as long as I can remember. She was always there , she knew exactly what I needed when I was upset , I always loved when she would rub her fingers through my hair . Or when we would cuddle and I could smell her vanilla scent.

I mean , I was always dreading this , the distance , the fact that we would barely get to talk anymore . The occasional calls. The pregnancy scare just made it 10x times worse . I had always wanted a family with Spencer . I mean I could only ever imagine starting a family with her , no one else . I thought she did too, but obviously not . She didn't want the same things as me anymore , and that's what sucked .

So that's when I looked up at her and said " I agree." And at that moment , it was almost as if clocks had stopped ticking . Whenever me and Spencer had broken up in the past , it was never mutual. But I wanted her to be happy , and if I couldn't provide her with happiness then what was the point ?

30 minutes later , I'm driving home , I feel like shit . Why did I breakup with her ? I feel like I just lost a part of me , and basically I did . Spencer was my world , everything revolved around her. I couldn't imagine a future without her . Then , I arrive outside my loft , fuck .

I unlock my loft , and that's when I realize , Spencer practically lived here. It was like her essence was still here . Everywhere I looked , I saw some sort of memory of her . The kitchen , when she would stand there with a messy bun and in her pjs  , making coffee . The couch, where we would sit and binge watch movies , with a blanket over us and her lying down in my arms . Forget it , I'm not even sleeping in the bed tonight .

Things hadn't changed , I still felt like absolute shit . Lorenzo has noticed that I had changed , but I couldn't even bring myself to say that me and Spencer had broken up. I mean it's kinda hard to go to work when the whole reason you even got the job was for her . And to sit in the truck that she got you . To walk around and see some sort of memory that she placed . Last time I had heard from her , was when she was sending me back some of my belongings . Ouch . She had sent my belongings in a cardboard box , mostly shirts . I picked one up, it was from the night before our first kiss. She still kept it . How was I supposed to put on these shirts when they just felt like they belonged to Spencer ? I mean , so far only Caleb knew about our breakup. And I wanted to keep it that way .

I was looking through my drawings when I look up and there she is . Spencer Hastings . I hadn't seen her in person in like .. years . God she looked beautiful. Her smile , her eyes , her hair . It felt just like old times . She never changed . The memories came flushing back . " Hey" she said , and smiled . I guess she noticed how in shock I was but I started to walk towards her . We hugged , talked a bit . I mean it was a little awkward but I didn't care . Then she was about to leave when she turned and said "Toby , who are you building the house for ?" "What makes you think i'm building it for anyone ?" "Because I know you" . Little did she know I was building it for her . It was all for her .


hey i didn't proof read this 😳😳 but anyways hope you enjoyed it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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