Hook. Line. And sinker.

Her nostrils flare and I find myself smirking as I lean against the tree next to the bench. "You don't know anything-"

I throw my arms in the air, "PLEASE, spare me your stereotypical lines Brianna, you still love him, anyone with eyes can see that so don't spew that 'I'm just helping out a friend' bullshit you love spewing to anyone that will listen to you."

"You have no idea how lucky you are-"

"Lucky? You think I'm lucky? My best friend is in love with me and I will never return that feeling but I don't know how to tell him without ruining our whole fucking relationship, so don't tell me that I'm lucky," I threaten, the words hissing through my teeth.

She leans away from my outburst and fidgets her fingers. "How did you find all this out anyway?"

I lift one leg behind me and rest it against the tree, "It's easy to put two and two together when things happen and all of those things point to one answer. The hard part," I fold my arms over my chest, "is trying to act like you know nothing after you've figured it out."

She shoots to her feet, almost toppling over in her heels. "So you knew this whole time and just led him on? What kind of monster are you?"

"When did I ever show him that I reciprocated those feelings? When? By hugging him or being there for him? We're best friends! We tried something in my freshman year and it crashed and burned in less than two weeks because we felt nothing, now all of a sudden he's in love and I'm the bitch for leading him on? Uh-uh I don't think so."

She's standing in front of my face. "He wants to tell you now because he's leaving for college in just over a month-"

"See? There's another issue I have. What does telling me before he leaves for college, which is in D.C. I might add, do for me? Am I supposed to pine after him and hope for long distance love?" She opens her mouth but I'm not finished speaking, "I'll answer that for you, no, why? Because I'm worth more than a quick I love you and I'll see you at thanksgiving." I push off the tree, uncrossing my arms and step up to her, looking down at her even in her heels. "Drew is my best friend and I would kill for him but I will not force something that doesn't exist."

She curls her lip at my words, "You're going to break his heart."

"I don't want to break his hear but his heart broke when you broke up with him for this fantasy idea that he would get me in return."

Her breath catches at that moment, releasing a dam of pent up emotions. She grits her teeth, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, "I gave him two years of my love and he could never get you out of his head the whole time."

I breathe deeply through my nose and move my bowl to sit next to her, dreading the next few minutes and regretting opening my front door in the first place. "Don't think for even a second that he didn't love you, because he did."

"Not as much as you," she gestures to me, a tear falling down her face.

"That was never my intention, I didn't ask him to like me," a shrug is the only kind of comfort I can offer her.

She looks up, willing the tears to stop, "I know, and I told myself that but I couldn't help it." She picks up her handbag from the ground and ruffles through it, taking out a small packet of tissues and uses one to dab the corners of her eyes. "What does he even see in you?"

I lean my elbows on my knees and turn my head to look at her, "You think I know what he sees in me? I don't even understand why people tolerate me in general, genuinely I hate people but people seem to think its all a joke."

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