Chapter 15 - Consequences

Start from the beginning

He crossed his arms, "Go on then"

I felt like screaming in frustration. What the hell was his problem? Why did he want to know so badly where I was last night? 

"I went to the beach, satisfied?" I finally broke under his pressure. It was like he was just trying to make a point about him being 'in control'.

"See? Wasn't so hard, was it?" He said, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I quickly grabbed his hand, squeezing it.

"Touch me again, I swear, you'll regret it," I held a scowl at the boy, my voice growing deeper with anger.

"I love it when you get all bad on me," He smirked. I used my thumb and index finger to pinch my sinus', clearly indicating my head was hurting.

"Of course you do," I replied, sarcasm coating my voice, "What do you want with me?" I asked, a bit out of the blue I'll admit, but I was determined to eventually find out. 

He placed himself on my bed after I'd dropped his hand, pinning his gaze to the floor. 

"It's not me you should be worried about, it's him," He spoke, his voice raspy from fear. I stood, my body perched beside him as I leaned my knee's on the bedside. 

"You mean Quint?" I questioned him, already knowing the answer.

He nodded in response.  

"He wants you, Elizabeth, he wants to torment you and drive you crazy, maybe not kill you but he's doing the same to Kate," 

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, finally placing my self next to the boy. He looked at me. 

"You haven't noticed, have you? She's gotten herself so worked up about it, she's been biting her nails to the point they're bleeding, having chronic nightmares nightly and being late for the majority of Flora's lessons," Miles informed me. Wow, how had I not noticed this behaviour coming from Kate? 

"Has she gotten any mail?" 

Miles looked at me, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Yeah, something from her mom, why?" He continued to hold his stare at me.

"Nothing, excuse me," I said while standing and exiting the room in a swift motion.

After I shut the door behind myself, leaving Miles in my room, I shot downstairs and into the kitchen. Luckily it was Flora's lesson time, and Mrs Grose was upstairs cleaning, probably.

I darted around the kitchen, attempting to find anything which was signed to my aunt. Nothing.

"Looking for something?" I heard Miles speak from behind me. I spun around to face him, only to be met with him grasping a piece of paper. 

I approached him, "Is that it?" 

I reached for it just as he pulled away slightly. 

"Ah, I don't think so," Miles spoke. God, what did he want now?

"Oh come on, you don't need anything from me so don't go blackmailing me," I stated.

He smirked, "If Kate knew you were diving into her private life, she'd ground your ass for a long time, you know the rest since you get it so often with her." 

I held a confused glare at the boy. 

"What are you-" I began but cut myself off as I changed what I was about to say, "How do you know any of that is true?" 

"Any of what?" He raised an eyebrow, but in a childish way, like he knew he had me wrapped around his finger. Truth be told, he did.

"Miles, stop it, just hand me the letter" 

"I'm afraid you're going to have to work for it, or I'll rat you out to Kate and you won't see daylight until you're eighteen," He replied. I frowned at his response. 

"I'm not playing anymore of your stupid games Miles, just give me the damn letter!" I yelled, probably a few octaves too loud. 

"I know what you'll do to get it, how far you'll go," Miles continued as he backed up slowly to the couch. 

"You don't know anything about me" I spoke, my voice a little quieter as I knew I was very wrong. 

"I know how you used to skip school to smoke weed with the 'cool' kids, I know you got permanently suspended from high school at fifteen, I know how much you hated your parents-"

"Just stop talking, please" I pleaded with the boy, I knew exactly what he was going to say next. I held my hands up in surrender as I couldn't bare to look him in the eye. He knew me, inside out, everything and he was about to prove it. 

He approached me, standing inches away from myself. He leaned towards my ear.

"You killed them, didn't you?" 

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