Chapter 11 - Reality

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"I know you told her, Miles, she literally just told me you did," I snapped at the boy. He held his glare at me.

"No I mean, it was Quint,"

"I thought Quint was dead?"

"H-he is, but-"

"But what, Miles?" I pushed the boy to tell me what he was hiding. He looked up at me with his eyes, still holding his head towards the ground.

"Wake up!" Miles yelled at me as he ran at me. "Elizabeth, wake UP!"


"What?" I spoke as I slowly opened my eyes. "W-where am I?"

I looked up at the four faces above myself. I recognised the room before me. It was the lounge.

"I found you passed out in the forest," Kate spoke as she knelt beside me, "What happened?"

I looked around myself, seeing Miles and Mrs Grose to my left, hovering over the sofa and Flora down at my feet.

I ran my fingers over my forehead, feeling stitches.

"I-I took Sampson out for a ride, then he spooked, I saw someone on the path," Everyone remained silent as they stated at me, "It was a man, I-I thought it was Miles at first, b-but-"

"Elizabeth? Who did you see?" Kate spoke as she stroked my forehead.

I looked at her.

"I-I don't know, I hit my head pretty hard, I was probably just hallucinating," I nodded at Kate. She sighed in response.

I attempted to sit up.

"Slowly, careful," Mrs Grose spoke as she held my back, mimicking Kate's actions. I looked up at Miles. He held a worried look in my direction.

As I sat up, turning my body away from Mrs Grose and Miles, Kate sat on the coffee table before myself, Flora hugging my side.

"You should get some rest, Miles, why don't you help her to her room? Flora it's time for your lesson with Kate," Mrs Grose spoke in a demanding voice as she began cleaning the lounge.

"C'mon," Miles said as he helped me stand.

"Careful, Elizabeth," Kate spoke in a worried voice.


As I sat on my bed, I began thinking about what, or who, I had seen in the woods.

"What was Kate doing out there?" I asked Miles as he sat beside me.

"Looking for you, you had been gone hours, and to be honest we were all beginning to worry,"

I held my stare at the floor.

"Miles, there is something going on around here," I said suddenly as I turned to the teen. He looked at me, a small grin coating his face.

"You don't have to tell me," He laughed slightly as he spoke. I scoffed at his response.

"What does that mean?" I asked, holding a concerned look at the boy.

"It means I know what you saw in the woods this morning," He smirked in my direction as he leaned closer to me suddenly, placing one hand on the left side of my neck and his lips on the right. I gasped at his actions. "I'd watch your back,"

I gazed at the boy as he continued to hold his smirk at me, pulling away slowly. He stood up, making his way to the door.

As he left my presence, I lay back on the bed.

"What the hell was that?" I muttered to myself as I lay deeper into the bed.

I pulled the covers over myself, not caring to change into something more comfortable. I eventually felt myself drift off.


I awoke in my bedroom with the lights off. I ran out into the hallway.

"Kate?" I raised my voice slightly, staring up and down the long hallway. I began walking down it, hearing a sudden noise coming from the room beside me.

I gasped as I heard a woman screaming.

I swung the door open, revealing Kate staring out of the window. She arched her head in my direction, a look of evil in her eyes.


She screamed, lunging herself at me. I flung myself out of the door behind me, slamming it shut. I lay on the floor in the hallway, listening to the silence which now caoted my ears.

I heard someone approaching me to my right. I threw my head in the direction of the person, only to see Miles grasping a kitchen knife.

I gasped as I quickly stood up, facing the boy.

"M-Miles, drop the knife," I spoke in a shaky voice. He smirked at me before charging at me. I spun a round and began running.

I was stopped by a man who held me in his grasp.

"No! Let me go!" I shrieked at the man who stood behind me, holding my arms back.

"Miles, you have to kill her" The man said in a deep voice. I stared at Miles as he continued to approach me, a smirk still coating his face.

"I know, Quint" Miles spoke as he stood in front of me, the knife now digging into my throat.


I could feel the knife beginning to tear at my throat.


I woke up screaming. My eyes shot open to see Flora stood over me.

"W-what are y-you doing in here?" I stuttered at the young girl.

She held a warm smile at me.

"Bad dreams?" She spoke in a squeaky voice.

I simply nodded in response.


I could hear Miles and Flora talking in the lounge as I made my way down the stairs.

"Hey, you okay? I sent Flora to check up on you this morning," Kate told me as I stood in the doorway. I sighed in relief.

"Bad dreams?" I heard Miles speak as he stared in my direction. I gave him a wide eyed look.

"She had a nightmare last night," Flora spoke as she moved away from Miles and over to me, wrapping her arms around my hips.

I placed a hand on her head.

"You did?" Kate questioned me as she stood before me. I could still see Miles' eyes on my body in my peripheral vision.

"Yeah, but it wasn't that bad,"

"I heard you screaming last night," Miles suddenly spoke. Everyone looked between the boy and I.

"If you heard her screaming, why didn't you wake me?"

"It was just a bad dream,"

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