Chapter 8 - Dominance

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"I'm not going to give in so easily, Miles" I whispered to him as I began walking away. I could feel his eyes following my every move.

"You can't run forever Elizabeth!" Miles yelled at me.

I felt myself smirk as I whipped my head around.

"Watch me! But then again, I'm not going to be here forever!"


I was busy listening to music and cleaning my room, picking up clothes and throwing them on to my bed, the music blaring away in my ears. It must've been late in evening by now.

I began to dance to the rhythm of the music, my hands flying everywhere, my legs allowing me to spin around a few times.

As I was dancing, my vision collided with the now open door. I caught a face smirking at myself as I quickly stopped dancing, my face turning lilac as I stood before the person who stepped into my room, shutting the door behind themself.

"Miles, what do you want?" The boy smirked as he remained still, hardly even blinking.

"You're a good dancer, where'd you learn those moves?"

The question caused me to smile, more out of confusion than anything else.

"Oh, well I was in a street dancing group when I was 10 years old" I told him. He nodded at my response. "Why are you here Miles?"

He walked over to my messy bed and placed his body down on to it.

"I, just wanted to apologise-I-I-" He began to stutter as he held his eyes to the floor.

"Miles, you basically threatened me, you tried to control me, almost like you wanted to possess me" I told him as I stood before him, holding clothes which I continued to fold as I spoke.

"I wish I could explain it to you,"

I stopped what I was doing and stared in his direction, throwing him a frown.

"Explain what, exactly? How you're a pain in the ass? How you don't understand why I'm the way Iam? How-"

He looked up at me, standing up as he did so.

"The way you are? What do you mean by that?"

I could feel my stomach grow tight as he asked me that question. I had always struggled opening up to people, in fact, I think it wasn't a choice I ever had. But in the moment, I didn't trust him enough to speak a word of my past to him, as a matter of fact, I never trusted anyone, atleast he wouldn't take it personally.

"Don't turn it onto me, Miles, what exactly are you not telling me?" I attempted to take control to the conversation, but to no avail.

"Well, if you won't open up then I don't see why I should," He sighed.

We remained silent for a minute or two before I became sick of his presence in my bedroom.

"Miles, just get out," I instructed him, shaking my head as I placed my headphones over my head once again, allowing the music to flood down my ears.

Just as the music began playing, I returned to folding my clothes again, until I felt someone pull on my headphones.

"Hey, I thought I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Miles had pushed me against the wall beside the door. His hands dug into my shoulders as he pushed harder against them, preventing me from moving my torso.

He leaned his mouth to my ear.

"Don't tell me what to do if I were you, I wouldn't start a fight you can't win,"

I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away, hard. I glared at him as he smirked.

"You're scared of me, aren't you? Don't try hiding it, Elizabeth,"

I shoved him out of my bedroom, slamming the door shut after him. I threw myself against the door, my back sliding down it as I made myself comfortable on the floor. As I sat there contemplating everything, every aspect of my life, I began to cry.


The next morning, I decided to get up at 6am. I threw on my clothes and headed down to the stables.

As I walked down the path which lead me to the horses, I listened to the ever so slight whistle of the breeze ahead of myself, I could feel it tickle my face and whisp my hair back as I walked.

I placed my hands in my pockets, preventing them from getting cold, and walked into the breezy stable block.

I glanced over the stall beside myself, eyeing the grey mare. She stood perfectly still as she munched on hay, her mouth moving in a rhythm as she chomped down on it.

I made a clicking noise and she arched her head toward myself, her ears pricking at the noise. She walked over to me, the hay which was previously being chomped on now gone.

She placed her muzzle in my hand whilst I placed the other between her eyes. I stared into her eyes as she slowly began closing hers, the gentleness of my touch must've made her so relaxed.

I rested my forehead on hers as she nodded off, stretching out my arms either side of her neck. I allowed my hands to rub her neck, stroking her. As I began to drift off, something interrupted Delilah and I.

It was a whinny from the horse beside us, Miles' horse.

"Jesus, Sampson!" I yelled as Delilah flung back her ears and jerked away from me, slowly turning away.

I made my way over to the black horses box. His eyes were wide with fear as he stared at me.

I watched as he reared up, his hooves almost knocking me off my feet. I took a large step back away from the animal.

I had previously worked with horses for 10 years, not once had I seen one so het up, I mean if he was a stallion it would make sense, but he was a gelding.

"Shh boy, woah" I spoke in a raspy voice, attempting to calm the horse. But it only made things escalate.

He neighed loudly, causing me to jump. I could feel an uneasy feeling course through my veins. Fear.

I have never been afraid of horses, in fact, one bucked me off and almost killed me before, yet I still got back on him.

I was determined not to let this horse drown me in fear. I opened to stall door and shut it behind myself.

I raised my hands slowly and whispered to the gelding. "Woah, boy, it's okay,"

The horse began to calm down, blowing air through his wet nostrils as he exhaled. He waved his head in the air as I approached him.

"Its okay," I reassured the horse as he backed away from me. 

As I got closer to him, I noticed his eyes fell onto mine once again, but now they seemed calmer.

He arched his neck and pawed at the straw beneath him as I got inches away from the gelding.

"It's okay," I whispered, closing in on him. I noticed his hind quarters touching the wall behind him.

He exhaled again, almost seeming like he was out of breath.

As I finally stood before him, I placed my palm on his neck, reaching for him at arms length.

As I brushed my hand over his neck, the gelding now allowing me to touch him, I felt something in his hair. I got closer to him, his head bending around, nudging my side with his nose. I laughed at his reaction.

I examined the mark on his neck. It was about five inches in length and clearly stood out as there was no hair in the particular area.

As I stroked the geldings back, searching for more marks on his body, I found hundreds of tiny scars all over him.

I found another huge scar on his barrel (his stomach). It stretched from between his front legs to the center of his barrel.

I loved the friesian horse breed. I always thought the horse was so majestic and beautiful, and I would kill to own one. I couldn't comprehend why someone would do this to such a magnificent animal.

I couldn't help but think, did Miles abuse his horse?

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