Chapter 4

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Rosalyn POV
I was getting for Bella and Edwards wedding. The pack decided that me and Seth should go. I was currently putting on the finishing touches to my make up.

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Once I was ready I saw my dad Sue and Seth

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Once I was ready I saw my dad Sue and Seth. We arrived to the Cullen household. The wedding was beautiful bella looked beautiful walking down the isle. At the reception I was sitting with Seth then I heard that Jake was outside me and Seth went out to see Jake yelling. "Walk away Jake" Seth said as he tried to grab Jake. Jake pushed him off. Embry and Quill had to hold him back but he pushed them off. I showed my werewolf eyes and stood infront of Jake.

" Jacob walk way now

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" Jacob walk way now. I don't wanna hurt you but I will if you don't walk away. Now" I said. He eventually walked away.
~the next day~
The pack was at the beach with their imprints. I was playing soccer with the boys. Jake had a thought about killing Edward and how they are gonna plan Bella death. "No you won't. Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe." Sam says. " he is either gonna kill or change her and the treaty says." but was cut off by Sam. " I say Jacob. I say." Sam says. We all laid down on the blanket." so tell us more about your daughter." Emily says. I smiled. "Well hope has Nik's eyes. She is like s mini him. After she was born witches had tried to take her away from me. So we decided that it was best if we made people believe that she died. She is with my sister in law Rebekah." I said frowning. Sam puts a hand on my shoulder. " you will see her again one day and when you do we can meet her. That way she knows she has other family they care for her" he says. I smile and enjoy the view of the beach.
~Weeks later~
I was with Sam Jared and Paul. We seen pictures of Bella pregnant and we heard a howl. We howled back. We got to where we were meeting up. "We have to protect the tribe. What they bred won't be able to contril it's throat. Every human will be endangered." "we're ready" well handle it" now" we must destroy before its born. " after Sam said that I thought back to hope. It would be like hurting her and Bella is my friend. Jake and me said no. Sam put his Alpha growl on us but we stood tall and ran away. And besides and alpha wouldn't work on me. I'm a hybrid after all.

Edward POV
Bella is pregnant with a hybrid baby. Rosalyn was pregnant with one before but she had to make a choice. I decided to call her husband and family.
K: Hello Edward
E: Klaus I need help my wife is pregnant with s hybrid baby a half human half vampire. My wife is still human and I know you and Rosalyn have dealt with this before so will you and your family come here and help.
K: of course we will but speaking about my wife. How is she?
E: Not good she is giving Bella her blood bags but she is getting weaker and weaker so you need some here fast.
K: alright I think it's time that my daughter comes home. I am bringing hope with me I will see you soon Edward.
Soon Klaus hung up. I was walking into the room with Jacob. "Why don't you tell them the names you picked." Rosalie said. " well I was thinking EJ Edward Jacob for a boy" Bella said. I looked at Jacob and glared at him as he did to me. "And for a girl I was thinking Reneesme Carlie." Bella said. "Not bad names" Rosalie said. " what do you think Rosalyn" Jake asked his sister who was getting weaker. "Those are beautiful names both." she said. Then as Bella went to drink the blood. A crack was heard and her and Rosalyn both fell. I put Bella on the table and Rosalyn on another table. Just then Klaus and his family arrived he gave Rosalyn his blood and she was in transition for becoming s Vampire/Werewolf hybrid. I grabbed Reneesme out and gave her to Rose while I put my venom in Bella then her heart stopped. I was scared I didn't make it in time to save her.

Jake POV
I left the room and started to cry. Both the love of my life and sister are dead. By that little monster. I saw Seth and Leah. "They didn't make it" I said crying. They looked down. I got up and stormed inside the house to kill the monster that killed my sister and Bella.

Sams POV
I told Billy what Rosalyn and Jacob did. " I don't care what they have done. They're still my kids." Billy said. "I'm sorry Billy I thought you should know." I said. I saw Paul come and look sad. He whispered in my ear. "Bella and Rosalyn are dead. It killed them." I said. Billy looked sad and Sue was heartbroken. " let's go" I said and we walked toward the Cullens house to kill the thing that killed someone I looked to as a sister and Bella.

Paul POV
After I heard that Rosalyn didn't make it I was heartbroken the person who loved me the most died. I went to tell Sam and the pack we ran toward the Cullens house to kill the monster. I fought against the Cullens.

Jake POV
I was looking for the monster and when I found it. I walked slowly up to it. But then she looked at me in the eyes and I made eye contact with her. I imprinted on her I heard growling. I saw the Mikaelsons and asked them to help they brought a baby with them which I guess is Rosalyn daughter.

Paul POV
Jake came out with people and a baby. "Stop it's over you kill her you kill me" he said he imprinted on the monster. I went to attack but then I saw a little baby girl in front of me and I made eye contact with her. I imprinted on a baby. I growled at Sam and stood next to Jacob. "Jacob imprinted on Reneesme and Paul imprinted on Hope. They can't hurt them. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed it's there most absolute law." Edward said. Sam backed away and left. Me and Jake went into the woods to change. Edward seemed to take Jacob imprinting on his daughter well. " Paul I feel scared for you. Rosalyn is gonna be mad." Edward said. I was nervous. I was introduced to the Mikaelsons and they were nice. I met Klaus too. He was I don't think okay with me imprinting on his daughter so I think he was gonna let Rosalyn handle this which scared me. What have I got my myselft into?

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