Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Rey lay in her bunk of the Millennium Falcon curled under a wool blanket asleep. Her hands clenched the scratchy material to her chest as she began to toss her head at the images of the memory of that fateful night on Snoke's ship, the Supremacy. The nightmare continued even though she tried to will it away. She did not want to relive Snoke's desecrating hold. Kylo Ren stands behind her as Snoke Force holds Rey in place, searching every dark corner of her mind in hopes of finding the key to the Resistance. The presence of his mind defiles those things Rey never dare share with anyone. Thoughts of abandonment, fear, and most of all loneliness scour her mind, open to the Supreme Leader Snoke. Snoke searched her life, wanting to find her weakness. Images, no, memories of her as a girl flash before her. She is back on Jakku. The wind is blowing sand around her as she squinted up at the sky. Her parents left her there almost two years ago, but she stands there, looking up with fear and sadness.

Rey was starving, her bones were beginning to peek through underneath her skin. Adjusting to life on Jakku, left her helpless. She was only a little girl, rummaging through old starships from the Battle of Jakku, unable to fend for herself. The little girl barely found enough reclaimed items in exchange for food. She was lucky if she got one portion from the Crolute. Rey licked her dry and flaking lips as the barren desert sun blared down at her. Even though she was abandoned, she always looked to the sky in hopes someone would come and whisk her away for an adventure through the stars. Hope was all that Rey ever had in her life, the hope that her parents would come back for her. So, she kept searching for lost treasures for the Crolute even though she felt the effects of starvation, she knew she had to keep going.

The images flash to two scavengers that showed mercy to the starving child, Ivano Troade and an Aqualish named Marshra. The two employed her, fed her. Such kindness was a rarity on the planet where every man was for himself. As her skills as a Jakku scavenger grew, she realized that she did not need their mercy and kindness any longer. At this time Rey was older and could fend for herself. She began to work alone. Later, Rey found a downed AT-AT on the reaches of the desert and made it her shelter. She scavenged the machine for parts, learning the mechanics and how it worked. All that time on Jakku hardened her, marked by etches carved into the steel walls of the ancient AT-AT to count the days waiting for her parents taught her how to survive.

Plutt noticed the girl's uncanny ability to find hidden treasures from the ships of the Galactic Civil War and made it clear that she is not to be touched due to her pure talent. But she did not need it, she had gained the reputation from her ability to use her quarterstaff. Snoke moved on within her memories to when she found a helmet that belonged to a pilot. He could see her putting it on her head running around pretending to fly across the galaxy on wild adventures with a cloth doll she made out of a tattered uniform. But when Rey was older she could not discard the items, serving as a reminder at how far she had come on the barren planet of Jakku.

The image shifted to her on an old computer learning a range of alien dialects to even binary languages for droids. The computer had flight simulations that taught her how to fly, and schematics of old ships that trained her as a pilot. All of these things made Rey into the young woman she is, a skilled mechanic, linguist, fighter, and pilot. The day that the defected stormtrooper began to play in front of Snoke and Rey. It was just an ordinary day. She was eating her portion she earned that previous day when she heard a noise from an astromech droid and rushed toward the commotion with her staff in hand. She found the droid, BB-8, had been captured by a Teedo scavenger.

Rescuing the droid she learned it had been captured by the First Order and was on a classified mission for the Resistance. The next day they had set out for the Niima Outpost, being attacked by a band of scavengers. They wanted the droid. Rey managed to make two of them crash their speeders and tricked the third. Finally making it to Unkar Plutt's booth she offered a pile of scrap. He did not bargain many portions in exchange for the scrap, but he wagered sixty for the droid. She was tempted for half a second at the exorbitant amount of food offered, but she could not let herself.

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