Chapter 5 Fiery Soul

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While the children sat in the Great Hall talking, Lord Stark and Lord Arryn were in Lord Arryn's solar, discussing a possible match between Lord Stark and Lord Arryn's children, “I would like would like to discuss with you, Jon the possibility of a betrothal between my eldest son Brandon and your daughter Hermione,” Lord Rickard said to Jon.

Jon sat back in his chair and took a drink of his arbor gold wine. He had gotten several offers of marriage from Lords throughout Westeros for a betrothal for Hermione, and so far, he hadn't considered a single one. Hermione was his precious daughter, and he wasn't about to give her away to a lord that wasn't deserving of her. But this could be something that could be of interest. If the boy turned out to be good enough for his daughter, Jon would consider it.

“Lord Stark, if you would indulge me and give me some time to think about it, I would appreciate it. My daughter is exceptional and dear to me, and I only want the best for her.”

Rickard bristled, “Are you saying that my son is not good enough for your daughter?”

“Not at all, My Lord. But there are certain things that I must consider. Hermione is willful and headstrong. She will not give up her swordplay for anyone, and I would not have her do so. I cannot have been the wife of someone who will stifle her. That does not mean that she will not be a great lady to any house she ends up with. It only means that she will be able to defend herself if worse comes to worst. As she told me, just because a woman does not know how to use a sword does not mean she cannot die on one.”

Lord Rickard stared at Jon; he had no idea that his daughter knew how to fight and that he permitted it. It wasn't unheard of that a woman knows how to defend herself, the women of Dorne were known to be fierce warriors, and in the North, there was, of course, the women of Bear Island. He did not think that any other lord would allow their daughter to do such a thing. Perhaps he should reconsider letting Lyanna learn to use a sword.

Lord Stark nodded and stood up, “Alright, Lord Arryn, please send me a raven when you have had time to think. Perhaps my son and your daughter can meet before anything is agreed upon.”

Lord Arryn stoop up and shook Lord Stark's hand, “Thank you, Lord Stark, for giving me time to consider your proposal.”

With that, Lord Rickard left Jon's Solar.

The next morning, Robert and Hermione went to Ned's room to show him to the Great Hall. Robert pounded on Ned's bedroom door,  “Ned, are you ready for breakfast,” Robert bellowed.

Hermione looked at her best friend and rolled her eyes, “Stop it you great oaf, you're going to scare him.”

Ned opened the door and laughed, “He is not, Hermione, but I agree, Robert is a great oaf.”

Robert playfully glared at Hermione, and Ned then led the way to the Great Hall to break their fast. When they arrived, the Arryn family and Lord Rickard were already gathered. Hermione walked towards her parents and kissed her parents on the cheek, then Fredrik and Hadrian. They all sat down, and the servants brought out the food.

As they ate, Jon informed the children that they would be having their lessons with Maester Coleman, “You will have lessons with your septa afterward, Hermione,” Jon said, “Then you can join the boys later.”

Hermione understood exactly what that meant. She knew that as long as she did everything she was supposed to do to become a lady, her father would continue to let her train with her sword.

“Of course, Father.”

Rickard looked on and noticed that Hermione did not fight her father on doing her lessons on becoming a lady. He began to think that if he made the same compromise with Lyanna, it might work. Once breakfast was over, the children went off to the library to get started on their lessons with Maester Coleman. They studied the houses of the Vale and Westeros, their numbers, history, and their reading. When they finished that, the boys went with Jon so that he could teach them how to run a keep, and Hermione went with her mother to her classes with her Septa.

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