Chapter 9 Negotiations

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While Lyanna did her lessons with Lady Rowena and Septa Minella, Hermione headed out to the training yard to spar with Robert and Ned. The boys had already started training by the time that Hermione had arrived. Robert looked up when he heard Namir growl, “There she is. My sister in all but blood. How did it go with the she-wolf?”

“It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Lyanna resisted at first, but after a while, I think Lyanna started to enjoy her lessons.”

Ned smiled, “I'm glad to hear that, Hermione; I knew that you could help my sister.”

“I don't think it was me. It was mostly my mother. My mother made it fun for her and made it clear she wasn't going to put up with her any of her shit. I'm sorry, Ned, but your sister is a brat.”

Robert laughed and looked at Ned as Ned blushed, “Aye, she is, I'm sorry to say. It's all of our faults for never saying no to her demands.”

Hermione nodded, “Don't worry, Ned, my mother, will fix that problem. Now, let's spar,” Hermione said with a grin as she took her sword and got into her stance. Robert didn't waste any time; he was the first to spar with Hermione, under the watchful eye of the Master at Arms.

While this was going on, Lord Rickard watched the children from the window. He was fascinated at how skilled Hermione was with a sword and how she did not complain when Robert hit her hard with his Warhammer. Hermione was a tough little girl. But she was very much a lady. Rickard had seen Hermione and his daughter as they took their lessons with Lady Rowena and the septa. She was intelligent and graceful; everything a lady should be and more.

The more Rickard thought of it, the more convinced he became that Hermione would be the perfect match for Brandon. Rickard walked away from the window, his decision made. He would accept Lord Arryn's terms about the marriage between his son and lady Hermione. Lord Rickard told one of the servants that he wanted to speak to Lord Arryn as soon as possible. The servant bowed and went to inform Lord Arryn.

A few minutes later, the servant returned and led Lord Rickard to  Lord Jon's solar. The servant announced Lord Rickard, and he entered the room. Jon stood up, “Good day, Lord Stark, won't you please sit down?”

“Thank you, Lord Arryn.”

Both men sat down, and Jon poured Rickard and cup of Arbor Gold wine. Rickard took a sip of his wine, and Jon waited for Rickard to speak, “I have thought over what you said about your daughter, Lord Arryn. And I believe that your terms are fair.”

Jon nodded, “Good, then I believe we can make a contract between our children with the stipulation that it can be broken if they do not get along. But I do not want their marriage announced until after my daughter flowers.”

Rickard agreed, “And, of course, their wedding will not happen until after Brandon has finished with his fostering.”


“I suggest that we talk to our children and inform them of their upcoming marriage. Perhaps We can introduce them to each other, or they can begin writing to each other to get to become acquainted,” Jon suggested.

Rickon agreed with Jon and told him that he would inform Brandon when he returned to the North. Now that the lords had reached an agreement, the two lords toasted their children's marriage and drank their wine. After that, they left Jon's solar and went to have lunch with the children.

Meanwhile, Lyanna was learning how to make a dress. She was grumbling the whole time until Rowena told her that sewing was an art and that someday it could save someone's life. Lyanna looked at Lady Rowena with disbelief, “How, by stitch a dress for them?”

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