Chapter 1 Starting Over

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Cover by ladyarchangel74

Hermione Granger was standing in the library at Hogwarts, but it looked completely different. The room was a pristine white and cleaner than Hermione had ever seen it. She looked around and noticed that all the book that on the shelves was glowing with all the knowledge that Hermione could ever want to know. More than anything, Hermione wanted to reach for one of those books and read it from cover to cover, but she had the battle to fight.

*Your battle is over Hermione Granger.* Came a voice from behind her.

Hermione quickly turned around and found herself face to face with a tall cloaked figure holding a scythe, Hermione's eyes widen.

“Death. I'm dead.”

Death cackled, sending a chill down Hermione's spine, *No wonder you are called the brightest witch of your age. Yes, Miss. Granger, you are; Correct, I am Death.*

“Who killed me?”

*Antonin Dolohov, he cursed you from behind, the coward. Don't worry, Moody got him for you, and I've already dispensed his punishment.*

“So then it's my turn to be judged?”

The dark figure cackled again, *Goodness no, child, it's time for you to move on. But not in the way you are expecting.*

“What do you mean?”

*What do you think I mean?*

Hermione thought. Death said that it was time for her to move on, but not in the way she thinks. What did she think? That she would be sent into the afterlife and to be reunited with her lost loved ones, Sirius, Remus, Fred, her parents. Hermione found out that Death Eaters still found her parents and killed them before they left for Australia.

‘So, if I'm not going to the afterlife, the only other option is either limbo as a ghost or…’

Hermione's eyes widen, “Reincarnation.” She whispered.

Death clapped his bony hands, *Truly, you are incredibly intelligent. Yes, my dear, after everything you and your companions did to ensure that Riddle finally gets what he deserved, your life ended abruptly and prematurely. Unfortunately, I cannot send you back; there is no going back, only forward. And, so, I send you to a new life. You will be born again, and you will have the chance at happiness.*

*I must admit, the world that I have in mind to put you in will be a harsh one, especially towards women. But you are brave and strongwilled. I know that you can survive in Westeros.* Death explained.

“Westeros, huh?”


“Can I ask you something?”

*Of course.*

“Why am I in the library, and why are certain books glowing?”

Death chuckled, *Your mind conjured a place that you feel the safest, and that place is Hogwart's library. The books glow because they are a gift.*

Hermione's eyes lit up in anticipation as to what her gift could be; she hoped that she would be able to keep her magic.

*Yes, I will let you keep your magic, but on top of that, I give you all the knowledge in this library that could help you survive in Westeros. As you have noticed, only certain books are glowing. These are the absolute essentials you will need in your new home. They are not all from Hogwarts; many are from the Black Family library. The knowledge in those books will help you when the time is right.* Death explained.

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