Chapter 12 The Marauders Strike Again

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As Brandon, Ned, and Lyanna walked towards the castle, Lyanna chattered on and on about her lessons and how much she enjoyed having them with Lady Rowena and Septa Minella. Brandon was surprised to hear that his wild sister enjoyed her lady's lessons. He never thought that anyone could get her to do those lessons, much less like them. It worried Brandon that if Lyanna became a Southern Lady, she would be as weak as Lord Arryn's daughter.

Brandon was brought out of his thoughts when Lyanna mentioned that she also had weapons training. Brandon gaped at his sister, “Who said you could train to use weapons?” Brandon asked.

“Father did; that was the whole reason I came here, Brandon. Father said that if I learned to be a lady, I could train to use a sword as Hermione does.”

“You mean to tell me that it is true that Lady Hermione can handle a blade?!”

Lyanna gave her favorite brother an exasperated look, “Of course it is true, Bran, Ned told you. Did you think Ned was lying?”

Brandon looked at his younger brother, “No, I only thought he was exaggerating. Is she any good?”

Lyanna grinned, “Hermione is incredible!”

“You mean for a girl,” Brandon commented.

Lyanna narrowed her eyes, “No. Hermione is as good as any of the boys here. I hope that I can be as good as she is one day. But I have to be good at being a Lady as well. And honestly, I don't mind the lessons anymore.”

Brandon hummed to himself, “Do you think Lady Hermione would be willing to spar with me, Lya?”

Lyanna thought for a moment, then looked at Ned, “Maybe, if she is not busy. I know that she is helping Lady Rowena prepare for my name day feast. I could ask her if you want.”

Brandon nodded; he was anxious to see if Hermione was different from what he had heard about Southern women. Brandon truly hoped that Hermione was; the thought of marrying a meek and helpless woman made him cringe. When they arrived at Brandon's chamber in the guest wing, Ned and Lyanna left him to get settled and to rest. They would come back for him later for the afternoon meal.

While this was going on, Robert and Hermione walked towards the family wing. Robert would glance at Hermione out of the corner of his eye once in a while. Eventually, Hermione sighed, “I know there is something on your mind, Robert; what is it?”

Robert smirked at his sister, “They're going to prank him, aren't they?”

“Who is going to prank who?” Hermione asked innocently.

Robert rolled his eyes, “You know who I mean; Fred and Harry are going to prank Stark, aren't they?”

“I don't know, Robert, but if they do, Fred is going to do most of the dirty work; Harry is still too little, but he wants to learn already.”

Robert chuckled; he couldn't wait to see what Fred and Harry would do. At that moment, Fredrik spotted his sister and ran towards her with Harry toddling behind and Namir following Harry to make sure he didn't fall.

Fred slid to a halt in front of Hermione and Robert with a frown on his face, “I don't like Brandon Stark; he's nothing like Ned. Why can't you marry Ned instead?”

“Ew, Fred, Ned is like a brother to me, and you don't even know Brandon Stark.”

Fred huffed and crossed his arms with Harry copying his action, “I don't like how he tried to flirt with you. I'm glad that Namir scared him,” Fred said, then patted Namir's head, “Good boy, Namir.”

The Shadow Cat rumbled and licked Fred's hand. Harry laughed and nearly toppled over, but Namir caught him by his trousers.

Robert narrowed his eyes at Fred, “You're going to do something to him, aren't you?”

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