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2 year's later. And are now married.

Mina POV

" Honey ", I said.

" mhm yes baby? ", she asked back hugging me. I turn around.

" What do you think about adopting? ", I asked. 

" Like a child? ", she asked. 

" Yes ".

" Will we be able to even look after it if we have busy schedules ", she said.

" I am sure it will work out just fine ", I said.

" Or if we are busy we can just ask Dahyun or Chae to look after them ", I added.

" Okay, let's adopt ", She said. I mean she is only 21 but still and I am 23. 

" We can get a baby boy first. The a little girl in like 2 year's after ", I said. She just smiled and kissed me. 

" Can't wait then babe ", she said.


6 years later

Tzuyu POV

It's Christmas morning. We have Yuna who is 4 and YuMin who is 6. Me I am 27 and Mina 29. 

I woke up due to the kid's jumping on my bed. 

" Mum said to wake you up ", YuMin said smiling. He actually his dimples so he's like me. Where Yuna she has that cute gummy smile like her mother.

" Where is your mum? ", I asked. 

" I'll show you ", Yuna said smiling. I got up and she took my hand taking me to the kitchen.


" You and Yumin go set the table up ", I said. 

" Okay ". She skipped off to Yumin. 

I went up behind Mina and held onto her waist. 

" Morning gorgeous ", I said pecking her cheek.

" Morning babe ". 

" You left me alone in the bed ", I whined. 

" Ayioo who else gonna make breakfast ", she said.

" Very true ", I said.  She turn around.

" Anyway I am finished. So help me carry them ", she said.  


I'm just about to get into the shower when my sexy wife came in. She was just in her bra and knicker's.

" Don't get any idea's you shower ", she said.

" Can't I just touch for one seconded? ", I asked. 

" For you 1 seconded is a lot longer ", She said. 

" Maybe later ", she said and left. We haven't had sex in ages. And every time I try, she shut's me down. Always saying later.

Living Room

We sat down on the sofa together.

" Open your present's first ", I said.

" dad can you help? ", Yuna asked sitting on my lap. Guess I am more father type. 

" Sure ". 

I help her unwrap. 

" I'll be right back ". Mina got up and left the living room.  Yumin came and sat next to me too.

" Thank you ". They both hugged me. 

" Your welcome ", I said and kissed both of their foreheads.

Mina POV

I know Tzuyu want's to have sex. And I know I might of hurt her by always shutting her down. So tonight, when the kid's are asleep her last present is sex. She just went a tuck the kid's asleep. She came back and was shocked. Why cause I am normally asleep by time she eve get's in the bed.

" Come here ", I said. She came a laid next to me. I went on top of her.

" Your most probably annoyed that I keep shutting down the sex ", I said. 

" You shutting it down again today to. When will we be able to do it ", she asked. I felt guilty. 

" We can do it now. I am not shutting you down tonight. Because I want sex. And every time you gave hint's about it I wanted to. I just didn't want the kid's to see it ".

She just kissed me and made me bottom. She already had her hand going to my pussy. I am glad we had sex. I missed it. 

" I love you ".

" I love you too ".

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