Snow White

14 5 14

You've never seen what you do to me
Don't see how you could
Never heard my plea

You cannot taste the poison you speak
Yet I taste it well
Pushed me to be meek

Your cauldron of hate starts to bubble
Spills over the edge
Drown me in trouble

Your need to be on top will kill us
But you won't listen
With you, can't discuss

Chased me away to stay compliant
I'll find my way back
I'll be defiant

I won't die from choking on venom
No matter your strength
Won't make me benumb

My words will be the ghost that haunts you
Tainted with my soul
Swear it to be true

My essence is filled with poetry
Fluid like a stream
It will always be

You may shatter my physical form
But you won't break me
I'll never conform

Meant to be the apple of your eye
That's what daughters are
Yet you make me cry

Blinded by your need of perfection
You only bleed hate
No drop of affection

I would lose you before I lose me
Easy choice to make
I'll always be free

I dare you to bite the poison fruit
Taste what I've been through
And live life on mute

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