I'd Rather Burn

7 3 0

To burn or to drown
Which would you prefer?
How'd you lose your crown?
What a question I've heard.

To sink in a sea,
Lungs filled with water,
To never be found.
That somehow seems harder.

To burn in a flame,
Crumble to dust.
Yes, water seems tame,
But my answer is just.

I could never drown,
To wander the sea.
Nowhere to be found.
Just floating endlessly.

I'd be devoured,
By blooms of fire.
Yes, I'm a coward,
But I'm not a liar

I couldn't be lost.
Gone without a care,
With my body tossed,
In a sea of nowhere

Couldn't go that way.
It may be twisted.
Don't need a new day,
Just proof I existed

Fire will bring pain.
At least it's certain.
I'd rather die sane,
Than scared of the curtain

I fear the unknown,
May sound kind of strange.
That's just how I've grown.
This fear will never change.

To drown in water?
To burn into dust?
Fire is harder,
But it has my trust.

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