Chapter 1

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~Sang's Point of View~

This morning started off like usual, my father leaving me in the apartment, telling me to stay put. He's never home, unlike me, who is always home and never aloud to leave. He usually has one of his "friends" stay over and watch me, to make sure I don't leave. He calls them "friends" but I know that they work for him.

They just stand around by the door and watch me, it's like they guard me for some reason. I don't know what my father's job is because he won't tell me, he says I'm to young to understand, but i'm 17! I feel like he is in something scary, something possibly illegal, but of course I never say anything. He'd probably kill me, or get one of his goons too.

I'm not close to my father and I don't have have any siblings so it's just me. I've done home schooling and online classes my whole life, so I escape the apartment whenever I can. I usually just walk around the park and sit in the coffee shop trying to act normal, yeah right. Like I will ever be normal, the only thing I know about normal is what I read in books.
I'm walking with my coffee around the park when, whoops, I stubble back, looking into the eyes of the person I just ran into. My breath escapes me and I feel my blood rising, he's handsome.

He stares at me with his piercing gray eyes and I feel suddenly self conscious, it's like he can see inside my soul. See that I'm a wreck, just praying that someday i'll be free. I snap out of my thoughts and speak up, "Oh my, I'm..I'm so so sorry, I...I wasn't looking where I was going." I finish lamely, I could barely get through one sentence, he probably thinks I'm a freak.

I look at him and realize he is now covered in my coffee, I couldn't have felt worse in this moment.

"It's okay, I'm fine." he says dismissing my apology, not even a little concerned over stained clothing.

I just so happened to have a couple napkins so I offered them to him, "Here's some napkins.", I mumble about nervously.

"Thanks." He says as he starts cleaning up the mess I made on his shirt.

I really hope it washes out, I would hate to ruin anyone's clothing. I start to get more nervous, here I am ruining some guys shirt, it could even be his favorite! I tell myself to calm down, I'm just overreacting, besides he doesn't even seem to care.

After up the mess I made he looks at me with an expression that I can't read, is it curiosity? Interest? I can't tell. He seemed to be in deep thought, then he snapped out of it by saying, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you.", holding out his hand to shake mine.

I feel the butterflies in my stomach flying around as I place my hand in his, shaking it politely. His hand was so perfect, scratch that, he was so perfect. I was blushing through the roof, I was sure I was beet red as I softy said, "Hi, it's nice to meet you too, and sorry again, about the coffee."

"Don't worry about." He quickly responds, reassuring me it's not my fault.

I could tell he was about to say more but a phone call interrupted whatever he was about to have said. He looked at me, almost with a mix of disappointment and sadness.

"Sorry but I have to take this, Goodbye, have a nice day." He says reluctantly, then walks away to take the call after I say one more quick goodbye.

I turn back to the direction of the apartment and start walking there. As i'm about to round the corner I steal a glance back, hoping to see Mr. Perfect again.

That's when I sadly realize I didn't get his name and I will probably never see him again. I sigh, checking the time to see I have about 20 minutes before my father stops by to check on me. As I'm walking home I can't help thinking about what I would do if I saw him again, maybe I would actually get his name next time.

~Owen's Point of View~

"So, what's the plan." Dr. Green asked me.

Our team had found out that there was drug dealers selling toxic drugs, the drugs were killing people, so the academy had given us a mission to find, stop, and jail the man in charge, the person running the whole operation.

We were told to shut it down, the whole thing, that meant catching all the drug dealers and find the supplier. It would be hard work but we would be getting a lot of favors for this one. We also wanted to put a stop to this before even more people died.

I told them all the plan and we spilt up. We were going to do a lot of surveillance and find out who was all working for this man. We asked the academy for any information they might have about the man in charge of the whole operation. They just gave us an address and one name, Mr. Sorenson.

I was now walking down the street by the park, trying to look casual while waiting for Dr. Green to call. I was scanning the area, looking left, right, behind, when BANG! I bumped into someone.

I looked at my now soaked shirt, it was stained with coffee. I would have been a little ill tempered but when I saw who I ran into I gasped.

She was so beautiful, she looked around my age, had the most gorgeous green eyes and dirty blond hair. I almost sighed, I could stare at her for hours, OWEN Snap out of it! I had to stay focused and keep the mask of calm up. I couldn't let this beautiful girl be a distraction but at the same time, I wanted to know more about her.

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