Like that, I dreamt to work on Facebook. I got as a head programmer in it after three years of experience in TR technologies. After that, we got married. Well, I even dreamt about my Dream King and Rockstar separately but never ever dreamt they're one and to have them in my life for real and forever. God blessed my Anup to fulfill my life.

I even dreamt to start an NGO for needy and depressed women at the time of college days and I did it one and half years back. Thank God, I'm giving proper guidance to the women. Thanks to my Rockstar who gave education to the young girls helping financially and mentally too. Anup spread Radha Shekhar Institutions all over India and still giving the best education as his father dreamt. This will continue forever.

On our one month marriage anniversary, Radha Shekhar Groups Of Institution declared the prestigious government award, 'best educational institution in India'. Anup's happiness boundaries crossed its limits and gave the whole credits to me as his lucky wife but not to his hard work. I didn't take his stupid credits.

One of the proud moments in my life is Anup taking the prestigious government award for his tremendous work. We are proud but not pride and continued to serve the people.

My Rockstar was successfully running his YouTube channel. He got numerous opportunities to sing national and international but he still politely decline the offers. Harters spread the rumors that my Rockstar is arrogant to reject the offers but we stopped worrying about haters long back. Perks of being a celebrity having fans with an equal amount of haters too.

Last year we both got the opportunity to give a speech in TedX. He as a young educational entrepreneur and I was a social activist. We did our best but mine got huge appreciation than him. I'm lucky to have Anup in my life, not for once I saw jealous in his dazzling eyes but proud that I'm his wife. He's still the same protective Rockstar and can't bear someone hurting my feelings but I learned to support myself rather than to be silent.

Now I'm not that innocent Anupama to be under someone's control but Mrs. Anupama Anudeep Shekhar who can handle the situations strongly with my family's support. My family is not only Mom, Dad, Anup, and my friends but my Radha Shekhar NGO too. It's a very big family anyone can get. Mom, Dad is happy with our successful career and life. Dad took retirement three years back and they're happily visiting pilgrimage places.

The biriyani should cook for ten more minutes then we can devour it. I licked my upper lip, looking at it curiously. My Rockstar is working in our room. I want to fill his stomach and later talk to him peacefully.

He was always the best in everything. A great person, a great human, a great professor, the best son anyone can ask for, the perfectionist, the best businessman, a romantic lover, and a great husband. I'm sure he will become the best father too. He too loves children and I always see the longing look in his dazzling eyes when he sees a couple playing with their kids. He was still the introvert and doesn't share his pain but mend mine with ease.

'How lucky I am to have a husband like my Dream King Rockstar Anup!'

I gasped feeling his strong arms wrapping to my stomach. He placed his chin on my left shoulder inhaling the aroma of biriyani. My body shivered with his touch and heart thundered in joy inhaling his masculine aromatic fragrance.

'Oh, my biriyani, he still has the same impact when we first kissed in the cocktail swimming pool,'

"I'm hungry, Melody," he sucked my shoulder. I breathed rapidly turning my head to the right side to give him more access.

"Just fifteen minutes, Anup. Please go and set the table," I said poking his stomach with my left elbow to leave me. He didn't move a bit but sucked my left ear.

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