"Catch you off guard?!?" he all but shouted, the venom in his voice making everyone including Lan Zhan to flinch. "What about your plans to ambush me taking my visit to see my nephew as an opportunity? Jin Zixun cleared his chosen battle ground of any corpses and laid a trap for me! I would have died if I had not been prewarned."

"And what about the guards at Qiongqi Path? Why did you kill them? They were fulfilling their duty in guarding those prisoners." Clan Leader Yao shouted.

Wei Ying laughed. It was filled with derision.

"Was it fulfilling their duty if they killed their prisoners to lure resentful creatures for the hunt, Clan Leader Yao? When I arrived there was a pit full of corpses. Corpses of innocent men, women and children. None of the remainder were cultivators as well."

"What about the fierce corpse? Are we supposed to overlook the murder of the guards?" Wei Ying laughs without humor.

"Wen Ning was murdered. Stabbed in the stomach with the pole of a spirit lure flag. Also, Wen Qing told me, there had been over ten children in the village, but when I came only one of them were alive. Tell me Clan Leader Yao, have the righteous cultivators been reduced to killing innocent children as well?"

The Yao Clan Leader stuttered unable to bring out a word.

"Nevertheless I am here to hand my self over, not to sit and gossip with you. Talk amongst yourselves. Decide on what punishment to give me. I'm not going anywhere." Wei Ying allowed the guards to place the manacles carved with talismans around his hands and feet. He observed them in silence.

'So weak. I can break them off in just a second. But if it makes them feel safe, I don't mind'

"Wei Wuxian. Answer me without prompt and we will spare the torture. Where are the Wen remnants? Hand over the Stygian Tiger Amulet to us." Jin Guangshan said smirking. Wei Ying felt a flash of anger and quickly quenched it. Smirking wider he held his head up proud as ever and answered cockily with a laugh of his own.

"Oh Clan Leader Jin" he tutted. "While those methods of yours may have worked for you in the past it won't be enough with me." then he cocked his head. "Besides, why should I give the Stygian Tiger Amulet to you? No. It will go with me to my grave and with my soul to hell."

Jin Guangshan smiled evilly. "Alright then you give me no choice." he simpered. "Jin Zixun! take a delegation with you and siege the Burial Mounds! Kill all the Wens'!"

Wei Ying laughed with pure amusement "I didn't think you were that foolish Clan Leader Jin! Do you really think that I came to just mess with you? I said that I came to hand myself over. Didn't you hear me? And so do you really think I would not have set up something to protect them? Are you really that naïve?!"

"Then why can you not hand over the Stygian Tiger Amulet?" Jiang Clan Leader, Unc- no - Jiang Fengmian spoke for the first time.

Wei Ying internally swallowed and fought the tears that blurred his eyes at the sound of the kind voice that just a few months ago he believed to be gone forever. Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu came out of hiding five months ago from a distant cave where they took refuge after the battle in Lotus Pier. Wei Ying was still hiding in the Burial Mounds and even though he yearned to run to him and beg him for his forgiveness, he held himself, remembering who he is now.

"Because I don't want to." He replied, smug.

"Oh, this is no time for you to coddle him Jiang Fengmian! Let him face the consequences of his actions! If you are not his father then stay out of this!" Madam Yu interfered. Wei Ying felt nostalgic in way. This felt familiar but at the same time unfamiliar.

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