Ch8- Crashing A Party

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(Y/N)'s POV"What are you thinking about?" Tomura asks me

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(Y/N)'s POV
"What are you thinking about?" Tomura asks me.. I roll my eyes and keep watching TV. "UA's Sports Festival." I scoff, thinking about the big event that's about to happen. "And.?" Kurogiri joins in on the terrible conversation.

"If it's okay with you... I want to crash it." I smirk and keep staring at the screen...

Third Persons POV
"The attack at the USJ is already spreading on the news. Would it be really wise to keep the Sports Festival as scheduled?" Midnight asks, still concerned for what just happened to Aizawa. "Then we'll just have to be careful."

Nezu smiles and gets up from his chair. "It is our top priority to protect our students. It would be wrong to postpone the Sports Festival and not give the attention our students deserve." The pro heroes are still nervous about what just went down.

"Come on, everyone! With more pros like us on the scene, we'll be unstoppable against any problems!" Present Mic yells out, trying to bring everybody's hopes up. "We can't be too sure, Mic."

Aizawa walks in, covered in bandages. "Aizawa, you're suppose to be resting." Recovery Girl knocks him upside the head and pushes him to sit down. "I agree, with the previous villain attack at the USJ, it would be wrong not to let our students shine."

"But, what if there were to be an attack at the Sports Festival?" Midnight asks.. "Nezu is already going over the top, with security. We should be fine." Snipe says, still acting cautious. "I sure hope so.."

Aizawa huffs out and makes his way over to his classroom...

~meanwhile; with (Y/N)~

"Seems reasonable, I accept." (Y/N) smirks, grateful to have All For One agreeing with her plan. "If you get caught, it's on you." Tomura groans and scratches his neck. "I'm aware..and I don't mind receiving any punishment."

(Y/N) rolls her eyes and finishes off her blueprints. "What is your plan, exactly?" Kurogiri asks, very interested in what the girl has. "You see, I took a chemistry class back in middle school. And I dug into some studies on explosives during that time too."

(Y/N) smirks, showing them the blueprints. "Just as the winning students receive their rewards, I'll finish it off the celebration that they'll never forget. It'll really bring down the stadium." (Y/N) does an evil giggle.

"And once the bombs go off, they'll trigger the backup explosives at all entrances and exits, so that no one will have their chance of escaping. And the chemicals I put in will make it even harder for everyone to use their Quirks."

Tomura smirks and puts two fingers on (Y/N)'s head. "Yes, this will do nicely.."

~time skip: (UөU)~

Izuku lays down in his bed, exhausted and upset, that he just found out the truth about his sister. "Izuku, I'm going out for groceries, you need anything.?" Inko sadly looks down at her son. "No, I'm good.."

"O-okay, I'll be making katsudon for dinner." Inko smiles and leaves her son's bedroom. Izuku looks at all of his pictures of him and his twin sister. "(Y/N), where are y-" Izuku's phone suddenly rings.

He answers it, hearing All Might's voice. "Young Midoriya, how are you holding up since the USJ incident?" Izuku frowns, thinking back to what Bakugo said. "I'm holding up just fine, All Might." Izuku nervously laughs..

"That's great, well, I hope you're excited for the upcoming Sports Festival." Izuku pauses and looks at his new calendar. "Y-yeah, I'm totally ready." Izuku gets up from his bed, dropping his picture, making the frame shatter..

He looks back in terror and goes to pick up the glass. "Young Midoriya, we should get some extra training in. Be sure meet me at the beach." Izuku nods his head and hangs up. He picks up the broken frame and shoves the picture inside his wallet.

"Alright, let's get to training." Izuku runs out of his apartment, to the beach...

(Y/N)'s POV
I do a little chuckle, as I pack up the last box. "Now, all I have to is make a good first impression.."

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