part 2

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You know what I learned today? That Virgil is hella dramatic, maybe even more so than me. That's saying a lot. He fucking freaked when I went up into his room. I admit I didn't ask to do so, but I assumed since that's where he ran I should follow. I mean I was slightly surprised when I saw the contents of the room. But not so much that I'd yell at him.

Most of the skirts I picked up would probably look amazing on him. Sure he owns way too many hoodies for it to be healthy, but what was I expecting? Virgil to have clothes in a color other than black and purple? Maybe...

You know what? I've never pictured him as a skirt kind of guy. Well for the entirety of the seven hours I've known the dude. In my mind he was more of the ripped skinny jeans and combat boots. Never judge a book by it's cover I guess.

"ROMAN!" I hear a high pitched squeal. I look up from where I was sitting on Virgil's front steps. Virgil, the boy in question, was standing beside me. Leaning against the dark purple door.

"Hello Patton, do you know the whereabouts of Logan?" I ask the cardigan clad boy. He shook his head smiling.

"Nah, he said he'd meet us at the target." I nodded and got off of the steps. I got into the passengers side of Patton's bright blue SUV. When Virgil crawled into the back, his head was hung. He was practically one with his hoodie. I couldn't tell where the fabric ended and the boy began.

I just shrugged and let the boy be one with his darkness. It was a beautiful day, and I won't spend it staring into the pit of darkness Virgil made for himself. Even if he is really cute. I mean I'm not blind or anything. I can tell when a boy's cute or not. And damn Virgil was cute.

Turns out Logan was right Virgil was just five minutes away from the target. I can't believe he was gonna walk the entire two miles to his home. The original plan was to tag along with Patton. When I saw the tiny emo that is Virgil, about to walk away. I couldn't not ask him if he needed a ride home.

Plus I love my cousin and all, but his car's trash. Literally. I don't know the last time he cleaned the floor of his car. Every time I go in I refuse to even glance at the ground. Ugh, it's filthy.

So the five minutes quickly pass, and we're entering the giant parking lot of target. Virgil quickly leaps out. I don't know if he even put on his seatbelt. I shake my head, and get out of the trash mobile.

Pattons rushes out as well. Grabbing both of our hands, he drags us to the store. Virgil quickly shakes his hand off his. Once I realize you can do that. I do as well.

We enter the target, and Patton once again dashes off. Probably to find Logan I assume. I go with Vigil to the aisles of plastic red carts. I pick out the first one, and begin looking for the two run aways.

As I push the cart, looking around for our friends. Virgil is looking around like me. But I can't help but feel he's looking around for a separate reason. He's glancing around warily, almost paranoid like. When I follow his quick gazes I quickly figure out why.

It's simple really. He's looking at the women's section.

A small smile makes it's way into my face. I turn my attention to Virgil. He's eyeing one thing in particular. He bites his lip. It looks like he wants to buy it pretty badly. I chuckle softly.

Without warning him, I turn the cart. A sharp 90° degrees. Virgil yelps and hurries to catch up with me. His eyes almost alight with panic.

"What are you doing?!?" Virgil hisses. I chuckle again.

"Getting what you clearly want." Virgil's eyes widen and he shakes his head vigorously.

"No no no, don't do that! Patton and Logan they don't...." he trails off, his face portraying shame and a bit of shyness. I smile reassuringly.

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