Back to Normal??

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3rd Person POV

"Wait, Midoryia's back to normal now?" Kirishima asked, his head tilted to the side.

"Yeah he turned back this morning." Uraraka replied. The class sat in the common room of the dorms. Aizawa had given them the day off while he dealt with Midoryia.

"Weren't you the one watching him this morning too?" Mina asked, lifting her eyebrows up and down with a sly smile on her face. "Must've been quite a surprise to see he had grown out of his All Might onesie."

Uraraka's face flushed as she quickly tried to explain that she didn't see anything, her hands flailing in front of her. Bakugo scoffed as he remained seated on the couch. Todoroki was across from the blonde, an equally annoyed expression on his face.

Aizawa had made them go back to the dorms once it was clear Midoryia wasn't ready for visitors yet. Apparently he wouldn't be for another day or two. Not to mention he had to explain everything to the police still as well.

"I still can't believe you couldn't catch a glimpse of at least one of their faces." Kaminari said to Bakugo as they discussed the incident.

"I was more focused on keeping Deku from FUCKING DYING!" Bakugo defended himself. "Besides the alley was dark anyways, I wouldn't doubt it if Deku hadn't seen anything either."

"Maybe. So when do we get to visit him anyways?" Tsu asked.

"I don't know yet. Aizawa said he would inform us when anything changes." Todoroki answered, getting up from the couch.

"And he doesn't remember a single thing from the past month?" Iida chimed in.

"Nope, damn nerd's memory from being a toddler is completely blank apparently." Bakugo stated, frustration clear in his voice. He had worked hard over the past month to earn Midoryia's trust and now it was all down the drain. Of course Todoroki and Uraraka were happy about the news though. Midoryia had already trusted them.

Bakugo growled softly to himself.

"Damn nerd better hurry up and get better soon."

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