Chapter 6

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(Adrien's pov )

" The doctor said that there is nothing more they can do for her and that she is going to pass in the next few days." My father said tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

I was in shock, my legs gave out and I collapsed on the floor, sobs hitting me hard. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. So I just sat there against the wall crying my eyes out.

I looked up and saw my father, crying. he looked like he had no idea what to do either.

With all the strength I could muster, I stood and gave my father a hug.

he was surprised, But hugged back.

" Son??" my father said, as a pulled out of the hug so I could look at him.

" Yes fat...ther," I had said, try to stop the tears.

" She's not gonna make it, but she will always be with us and we will get through this," He said as he wipes a tear from my cheek.

"I know, but.......I don't...want... her to go." I say through sobs.

"Me either but, let's enjoy the time that we have left with her," he says with a sad smile on his face  and tears still falling down her cheeks.

Which he quickly wiped away. I wipe away my tears to and we walk back into my mom's hospital room.

My mom smiles, but then takes another look at us and realizes, something is wrong.

" What's wrong?" She asks.

I was about to open my mouth and tell her. But before I could the doctor walked in.

After the doctor walked in, and told her there was nothing more they could do.

She understood and smiled a sad smile. I knew inside she was crying, not wanting to leave this world. But she tried her best to hid it.

She was going to leave at some point. There was just no knowing when.

We had a great night, we talked told stories and laughed.

She knew when she was about to leave this world... l.... she told us she will always love us and took her last breath.

She laid there lifeless. Well me and my father cried and cried until there were no tears left.

I said goodbye to her. Not ever wanting to leave.
But my father asked me to leave so he could say goodbye.

I did so I left the room. I walked outside, the rain had stopped, but there were still dark clouds in the sky.

I called my bodyguard.

5 minutes later he picked me up and took me home.

I walked in the house, walked upstairs, into my room sat down on my bed.

I took a glance at my clock. it said it 6:00 am.

The last place I wanted to be right now was school. But if I was going to be on time,  I would have to start geting ready now.

" Adrien" I heard a voice from a distance say , I looked up to see Natalie my father's assistant in the doorway.

My father had hired her when my mother started getting sick. Because he needed someone to help with his fashion brand and help make sure I made it to my photoshoots.

I hate you...AgresteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon