Chapter 12

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[ Adrien's pov ]

When she hit me I thought it would all be over. Everything.

But I was wrong.

She only put me in a cage. Thank god, she didn't make me tell the truth. Everything would have ruined.

[ Marinette's pov ]

I can't look. This can't all be over. I don't want it all to be over. I don't want everything to fall apart. I'm to scared to look. To open my eyes. Whatever happens, I have to accept it.

Okay, I can do this. As opened my eyes. A wave of relief hit me.

" Haha," Unable to contain my laughter. I let it escape.

"Seriously, your laughing right now," Catnoir rolls his eyes.

" She put you in a cage," I say giggling still.

" Be careful," he says bluntly.

I see more beams of light coming from her umbrella wand. I spin around and head straight for truth-seeker. Dodging all her shots.

" Not so fast ladybug, you're not going to win now," Truth-seeker spoke her voice echoing through the area.

" Or maybe I am,"

I send my yo-yo straight for her. She uses one of her beams to try to change its direction. But I was never heading for her umbrella. I was heading for her feet. The yo-yo reaches her feet, she trips and falls. I run over and grab her umbrella.

Mission 1 complete.

"Miraculous Ladybug," I say throwing the umbrella up in the air.

Everything is restored and Paris is safe.

( I'm sorry, that part was sucky cause I didn't want to write it)

" We did it, " Chat says running over to me.

" Yeah, with not much help from you,"

" Hey, I provided a great distraction," he says

" Yeah, sure," I say the sarcasm clear in my voice.

" Don't worry next time I will show you exactly what I can do," he says winking.

He makes some things sound so wired. He is such a stupid cat sometimes.

My earring begins to beep for the first time.

" Well I have to split," I say walking away from him.

" Wait..." Chat says as he grabs my wrist. Preventing me from walking away from him.

"What is it? Make it quick," I say turning around to face him again.

He comes closer to me and wraps his arms around me.

" Thank you for saving me," He says hugging me.

" It really was no problem, but try and keep yourself out of trouble next time," I say hugging him back.

" I can't make any promises, but I will try my best," he says tightening the hug just a bit.

We sit there for a couple of seconds taking in each other's  warmth. I don't want to let go. Being in his arms feels so safe and cozy. I wish time could stop. Just for a couple of minutes. My earrings beep again indicating that I have to go.

" I really have to go now," I say pulling away from his hug.

He removes his arms from me. A sad look on his face. He looked like a child who had gotten something taken from them.

I hate you...Agresteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें