Chapter 4

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(Marienette's pov)

Adrien took out his phone looked at the contact and rolled his eyes.

Maybe it was his father, even though we aren't really friends. I can always hear him saying that he wishes his father was different and more open with him.

As he listened to what the person that was on the phone. The smile he had on just minutes earlier had vanished.

He tried to keep a straight face and keep all his emotions inside.

" I have to use the bathroom I  will be back in a bit," Alya said as she walked out of the room.

I was left alone with him. Seconds later I looked at Adrien. I saw tears rolling down his cheeks and his phone was on the floor.

" Adrien who was that on the phone," I ask a little conceded.

He just sat there his face in his hands sobbing.

I honestly have no clue what to do, I have never seen him him in so much pain before.

So I stood from where I was sitting walked over to him and removed his hands from his face. I looked into his green eyes. I put his face in my hands. Tears were still falling down his cheeks as he tried to pull his face away from my hands.

" Adrien will you please tell me what's wrong, and I will try to help you the best I can. Please, Adrien ?" I say looking into his eyes . He looked back at me through the tears still rolling down his cheeks.

He took a deep breath. I removed my hands from his face.

" It's.......j..u...s...t" Adrien managed to get out in between his sobs.

I looked at him, his eyes were filled with so much pain.

" Adrien whatever is wrong you can tell me..." I say as I meet his gaze.

" Your.. j..u..s.t saying't.. actually care." He says in between sobs.

I look  at him, He thought I didn't care. As much as I hate him I still care enough to want him to be happy.

" No, actually I'm not Adrien. As much as I hate you. I don't like seeing you in this much pain," I say as I watch his expression turn to surprise, and then he started smiling.

" haha, so no more nicknames now," He says laughing.

I rolled my eyes.

" Adrkins stop changing the subject. Really what's wrong ?" I say a little smile on my face.

( Adrien's pov)

I knew she wouldn't call me Adrein for long.

But should I tell her what's been going on, should I tell her what the call was about and who called. Or should I lie and say something else was wrong.

Come on Agreste think...

I can't hold all this in anymore, I need to tell someone.

" Fine.." I say as she sits next to me.

" My mom has been really really sick......." I say as the tears start to form again.

" Oh my god Adrien, I'm so sorry," she says concern in her voice.

As she said it I could see the sadness and concern in her eyes.

Why is she like this all of the sudden, she cares about me now ??

I told her about everything going on with my mom and dad. I also told her why I had become the way I had been acting.

" I'm so sorry, you have to go through all this. You're a great person and this is the last thing you deserve..." she says the slightest little blush on her cheeks.

" it's not your fault but thank you for listening, I don't think I could have kept it all in much longer," I say as I wipe my tears away.

She stood bent down and hugged me. I hadn't been hug in such a long time. I will admit I found warmth and comfort in her embrace.

She pulled away.

" But who was that on the phone," she says wanting to know the answer.

" It was my dad," I say looking into her eyes and seeing the sadness she was feeling for me at that moment.

" What did he say ??" She asks.

" He said that..... M....y .. mom... ummm.. shes not.." I tied to say but before could sobs hit me.

Marinette wrapped her arms around me and hugged me again as I cried into her shoulder.

Why the heck was she being so nice to me, I thought she hated me with every bone in her body.

But it was really nice being in her comforting embrace.

I pulled away and finally told her what my dad had told me.

" He said... That mom isn't getting better and she might not ever.. and that may be the best thing for her would be letting her go..." I say a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

" Omg, I am so so sorry, I can't believe I am saying this but I hate seeing you in this much pain," She says sweetly.

It was a sweet thing to say and I could tell she meant it. she is so kind-hearted and caring just like my mother. I love that about her...

Maybe I am falling for her, I don't wanna fall for her... am I falling for her ???? I don't know, but she cares about me even though it might be just a little.

I was still crying but the sobs had stopped.

" Oh stop crying cry baby, I promise everything will be okay," She said throwing a Kleenex box at me.

She said it to try to lighten the mood, and it worked. I wiped away my tears and we began talking about something else. Changing the subject because she could tell all that was the last thing I want to talk about.

We studied some more and Alya returned to sprayed me like a dog. Every time I answered a question wrong.

We all shared some laughs and when we were finally done it was 10:00 pm.

(Marneitte's pov)

Adrien called his bodyguard to come to pick him up. It was ten and Alya had left an hour ago.

I walked Adrien out and said goodbye. He opened the car door. But before he could get inside I grab his arm and said.......

Authors note: Sorry for the long wait. Chapter 5 will be up at some point this week. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and are having a wonderful day 💗💕. Thank you for reading 💕.

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