Soon, the room was filled with whispers and gossip.

"Are they dating?"

"They seem like a cute couple."

"I already f*cked him anyways."

"I was so much better."

"She's a goddess."

I scoffed. If I can BARELY tolerate him, being in a relationship with him? Absolutely not.

Our relationship is built upon competition, anger, and lies. I will never be stupid enough to fall under his spell like his other girls do.

I do seriously think it's odd how these girls fall to his feet. Anything he does, girls will awe at him. He could dump trash all over himself and they'll call it hot.

absolutely ridiculous.

I got bored and began walking to the front door, getting ready to leave,

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"None of your business."

"Let's go on a play date."

Alex asked, making me stop in my tracks.

"You're joking right?" I snickered, turning around to face him.

"Does it look like I am?"

"Alex, you already know the answer." I sighed.

"Now it's a problem asking you to hangout with me?" He still had that signature smirk on his face, "Are you afraid?"

Everyone 'ooo'd. "Alex, go fuck yourself," I retorted. "I'm not scared."

"Then prove it. Hang out with me for a day."

I pursed my lips into a thin line before agreeing, "Fine. Tomorrow, nine am, sharp. You come a minute late, forget it." Not allowing him to give me a response, I shut the door and walked to my motorcycle. I sat on my motorcycle and turned on the engine before letting it roar to life.


Ding Dong !

Ding Dong, Ding Dong !

Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Din Don-

"I'M COMING, HOLD YOUR HORSES!" I yelled getting irritated by hearing the doorbell ring over and over. I walk downstairs and open the door, revealing Alex leaning on the door frame in a white v-neck t-shirt, light blue ripped jeans, Adidas, and of course, his leather jacket.

"Good morning, princess." He greeted me as he walked freely into my house.

"I don't think I gave you permission to walk in my house." I scoffed. He was admiring the inside of my house, and soon, his Emerald Green eyes trailed and stopped on me. He looked at me from toe to head. He stops when his eyes reach mine. I was dressed in a black rockstar t-shirt and red striped sweatpants and socks with my hair in a high ponytail. His stare suddenly made me feel uncomfortable.

"My eyes are up here." I snapped ignoring the fact that he was looking at my body like a snack.

did the room just get hotter?

"I'm enjoying the sight." He smirked.

"Don't flatter yourself." I rolled my eyes.

"Get dressed, I'll be downstairs." He commanded.

"If you're such a "gentleman," why don't you wait outside?" I crossed my arms over my chest. His eyes were glued onto my chest, as I was giving my boobs a boost by putting my arms under them. I immediately dropped them and my face went pale.

"Alex. What the fuck." I bluntly spoke, deadpanned. It wasn't necessarily a question; it came out as an expression kind of.

"I never said I was a "gentleman". He quoted on the word gentleman, "And cause I don't want to." He gets on my nerves 99.9% of the time.

"Well, suit yourself I guess. I'd love to sass the hell out of you right now, but I just woke up." I truthfully spoke. I began to walk up the stairs to get ready when I stopped in my tracks.

"Can I join you in the shower?"

Originally published? : May 15, 2021.

Last Updated: November 25, 2022.

Everyone's been bringing up how fast this is, how bad it is, blah blah blah and it's making me want to delete this WHOLE book. I am a very young writer and I feel accomplished as a teenager to have published this book and getting so many views. I'm going to edit the chapters where things went too fast.

I love you all,

and like always, have a great day/night,




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