Strange first meeting

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Alastor's POV

Autumn, one of my favorite times of the year.

Everyone is inside, usually listening to the radio, due to it soon being Halloween. They want to listen to all the contests going on.

It makes me quit popular.

This is very evident as I walk down the street, people stopping and staring, wide eyed. It still surprises me I'm able to find more people who don't know I live here.

However there is obviously many who don't know me at all.

I feel someone thud into me, and I almost fall over.

"Watch where your going asshole!" The, I'm assuming, man said as he ran off

People around me let out small gasps, but not much other then that.

My smile grows wider.

Easy target.

Angels Dust's POV

I let out a long sigh as I flop onto my bed. It was a long day today. My "father" made work harder than usual, pretty sure I heard him say something about working the gay out of me. So that should tell you something about my dear old "Dad".

Also there was that whole thing about bumping into that guy, I'm pretty sure he's some popular radio host star, I'm not sure.

I should probably get some sleep.

A few weeks later

Still Angels POV

My room, yes, what a wonderful place..

In my wonderful house.

That my dad told me to go to a warehouse yesterday in.


On the one hand I could get hurt, on the other I could get hurt.

Lose lose situation there.



Is there humming in the house-?

Somethings behind me-


A few hours later


It feels cold, and it smells musty.

My arms are tied around the back of a chair, my legs are tied to the chairs legs.

I have a blind fold on...

Is this kinky?

"What the fuck-!?"

"Oh Anthony! Your finally awake!" I hear a psychotic yet cheery voice call. "Now I can hear your screams of terror louder!"

Alastor's POV

I smile, but he can't see it, I put a blind fold on him.

I expect him to start to beg or scream or cry, but instead all he does is raise an eyebrow. I'm taken back by this, normally people would be terrified right now, but he just seems annoyed. Kind of like I chose a bad day to kidnap him.

"Really?" He says "Listen if your tryn to lure my dad in or somethin, it ain't gonna happen. He don't give a single shit about me."

This surprised me even more. Hmmm, he did seem to be in the mafia, but why would his dad not care about him?

"You know what, your an interesting specimen, I'll keep you around. Enjoy your stay~" I tell him as I walk upstairs

As I do I hear him shout "AW YOU LIKE ME!"

What did I just kidnap?

Angel Dust's POV

Now what-? I can't just sit here, and do nothing. That's way to boring. I can barely move, can't see, so all I can do is talk.

I start to hum a little song I heard on the radio, I think it's Jazz

I hear the door open so I stop.

"Is it my kidnapper?" I say

"Yes it is, was that Jazz?" He asked (at least I think it's a dude)

"Well what if it was?" I say trying to cross my arms, then remembering there tied around the chair.

He walks over then holds something in front of me.

"Please dear, don't talk to me like that." Hey says

Is that a knife? I think that's a knife. Just to make sure, I lean forward and bite it. Yep that's a knife. I feel it suddenly get shoved in my mouth. Thankfully, I suck di-

"How did you do that?" The guy says, a bit of surprise in his voice.

"Well when you suck di-"

"Don't finish that sentence."

"Fine fine, I get it your ears are to fragile to hear such harsh words." I say in a mocking tone

He growls at me, but doesn't say anything.

"Now why can you really do that?" He asks again.

"Listen, I know you've probably never met a gay guy before, but there's a first time for everything ain't there?"

"Gay?..." He repeats in a confused tone. "Do you not know what gay means?" (Ha now I'm asking the questions)

"No...I don't. What does it mean?"

"Well it's were your a guy and you like other guys."

"You that?" He says sounding slightly fascinated.

"Um yeah? Is this new to you?"

He doesn't respond. All I hear is the door shut, and I'm left in silence.

Well I hope you guys liked this.

I was trying to get to 1000 words, but I failed.  Let me know if you guys like "My little Kidnapper" so I can continue it!

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