That #relatable moment when-

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Warnings for this chapter: ED, talking about ED

Angels pov

Ah yes, that super relatable moment when you fall in love with your kidnapper

Why am I still talking about that? It's become very obvious that I like him. However, I just kinda, ya know, FELL IN LOVE WITH MY MOTHER FUCKING KIDNAPPER.

It'd been another week, by now Al was able to force himself to walk without a limp, though when he got more relaxed it was still there.

Today he was gonna go out for food.



He could of lasted another day or two, but he was starting to make the food again, and was insisting on going out almost every minute.

"Well goodbye, and if you even try to leave I will hunt you down, skin you alive, and use your lungs as balloon animals for my next show."

"Calm down Smiles, it'd make no sense to leave now, even if I wanted to."

Alastor still glared at me, before turning around and heading out the door.

Alastor's pov

I forgot how big and loud the city was, I'd spent so long in my quite house in the woods.

Many people gasped and stared at me, some coming up and wishing me luck with my mother, not surprising.

I went to the store, got the needed groceries, however on my way back out I saw someone, a young girl. I'm not sure why she caught my attention, but she did. Her hair was straight, long, and dark black, but that was all I really saw of her. She seemed to be in a rush.

I continued.

Once I got back to my house Anthony immediately bombarded me with questions.

If anyone had figured anything out, if I was ok, if anyone was suspicious, did I get the candy he wanted, on and on and on.

"Anthony, if any of those questions had a negative answer, you would of known by now."

He huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm actually worried about how good of  criminal you are!"

"Anthony, your dad is...well, was, a crime boss, and I managed to kidnap you by hiding in your closet."

Anthony snickered.

"What?" I asked

"Sorry, that's just."

Anthony sighed.

"You wouldn't get it...yet-"

He turned around waking back towards the Tv before I could question him any further.

"Hey wait hold on-"

I followed after him.

"We should really put these groceries up, Smiles!"

"Stop trying to deflect from the question!"

"What question?"


He just picked up a bag and left me there in confusion.

Time skip✨

"Anthony, get off the couch."

"Wha? Why?"

He was sprawled out on his back across the whole couch, he was so tall he took up the whole thing.

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