If I Saved You From Drowning

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(A/N: Aaaaaaaaaahh, don't kill me. So my iPad kinda fucked up so I lost everything and then school blew up in my face. Excuse my excuses, but here it is. Trust me, I know where this story is going. I just don't know how it's gonna get there [or how long it's gonna take] Also you might want to kill me at the end of this. BTW, today's chapter title comes from Tegan and Sara's My Number, which is the song I was listening to when I finished this, so yeah.)


"Hey Bruce."


"I'm bored."

"I know."

"Wanna play I Spy?"

"Not really."

"Okay then. What do you want to do?"

"The job, Fox."

"But it's just so... So boring!" I moaned, sliding down the side of the humvee I was leaning on and landing on the floor. Fuck stake-outs. Seriously, they've always been the most boring things ever.

"I thought you were used to this kind of thing."

I glared at Bruce and cleared my throat. "I thought we agreed not to discuss my past in public." I gestured to the mechanics working on a nearby plane.

Bruce pulled off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, sighing heavily. "I am so done with this."

"Me too. Can we get ice cream later?"

"What? No- I meant-"

"Because it is ridiculously hot today and-"

"Can you just stop!?" He roared suddenly, lip curling into a snarl. "God, you just- UGH."

I glared at him again. The mechanics had started packing up their stuff, one of them kept looking over anxiously and whispering to the other two. They left quickly, stumbling over their feet as they kept looking back to see if the Hulk was going to make an appearance. Soon enough it was just me and Bruce alone in this godforsaken hangar, waiting for god knows what for no good reason other than to look like we were doing something and goddamnit I hate Fury so fucking much. I looked to my right and out the hangar door. The sun was glaring off the tarmac in those neat little heat waves. I turned back and looked at the huge-ass plane that belongs to Doctor Victor Von Doom. It was crazy. If I had one of those I would fly to Tahiti every weekend or something.


"Huh?" I looked at Bruce.

"I shouldn't have yelled." He crossed his arms and frowned.

"Don't worry about it. Like, honestly, if I was in charge of this thing I would've let you go back to India or wherever." I shrugged. "The stress will get to everyone."

He was quiet for a bit. "Ice cream sounds good."

"Sounds like a plan, Stan."

"There's a place down the street from the Tower that I've heard good things about."

Suddenly the Witchblade pulsed, sending a wave of pain up my arm. It was followed by a massive BOOM that shook the walls of the hangar.

I leaped up off the floor and ran outside. As I reached the door, another explosion rang out. I shielded my eyes from the bright orange fireball that was billowing into the sky.

"What on earth..." I heard Bruce exclaim beside me.

I moved my hand and squinted at the blazing wreck of vehicles. There were a few bodies on the ground, blood pooling around them. I couldn't see anyone still alive. Through the flickering flames I could see the outline of a person. They were slowly moving towards us.

Witchcraft (An Avengers/Witchblade Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now