Why Should I?

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(A/N hi everyone who's chosen to read this. First story, so reviews and suggestions would be cool :D)

The desert ruins of the temple, I can't remember. We were in... Egypt? Daddy. Where's daddy? He is in the temple isn't he? I run. I enter the dark doorway. The great hall looms ahead. The statue of isis watches me. Where did daddy say he was exploring today? The left. I run. I run so far, it feels like a century has passed when I finally reach the antechamber. It's large. The roof has caved in over the years. Light is pouring in. It illuminates daddy's face. I smile and yell "Daddy!" He is holding some sort of glove. its very pretty. He turns around in horror. He yells something, but I can't hear it. The thing in his hand, it's glowing. Brighter and brighter. I scream. There is a flash.

I woke with a start, my body covered in sweat. That damn nightmare. I realised I'd curled up into a tight ball, my wrist was stinging. I tried to get it off in my sleep again.

The Witchblade.

My wrist was covered in scratches. Some of them were bleeding quite badly, so I rolled over to see what the time was. 6 am. Not bad. I got a bandage out of the draw of my nightstand and wrapped up my wrist. As I was finishing my phone rang. I brushed my hair behind my ear to get it out of my face and answered it.

"Hello?" I yawned


"Go away." I hung up on him. I mean really, who is that rude to call me at 6 in the morning? Besides, he'd called me 5 times in the last 2 days. You'd think he'd get the message...

I stretched and fell back on my pillow. Sighing, I dragged myself out of bed. Good thing I didn't have to work until tonight. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and my baggy Star Wars shirt and pulled the curtains open. It was going to be a gorgeous day. As I was about to go make coffee my phone rang. Again. I ought to just let it go to voice mail. But as usual, I go and answer it.

"I said go away, Fury." I grumbled.

"And I said we need you here, but when do we ever do anything anyone else says?"

"I won't do it."

"Summers, we need you-"

"AND I OBVIOUSLY DON'T CARE!" I yelled down the line.

"Listen Summers, if you don't come-"

"You'll what? You are full of so many empty threats!" I hung up and slammed my phone down. Jerk.

Now I really needed that coffee.

I wander out to the kitchen. And guess who's sitting at my kitchen table?

Nick goddamn motherfucking Fury.

I stop dead. He just watches me with his single eye and says "I will tell your cousin you're still alive."

Oh. Ok. Just go tell Scott. Do I really care? I've kinda missed him anyway. Heh, not really, he was always a bit of a control freak.

I proceed to make coffee before I kill him. Because that is just what happens without coffee.

"Please leave." I say without turning away from the machine.

I can see him smirking in my mind.

"You do know that if you don't come willingly I can and will make you come by force."

It was my turn to laugh this time.

"Fury, I don't want to join your not-so-secret-now team of superheroes. I have a life."

"But you're not supposed to, are you?"

As I was saying, he's a jerk. Stupid boss-man, thinks he can do anything because he runs S.H.I.E.L.D.

"We don't know how you survived after being buried in the rubble of that archaeological dig for a week, but the Witchblade chose you for a reason. And you have more control over it than any previous bearer has. We need you to come in."

I turned and faced him.

"And if I say I'm not going to?" My body tensed. I could sense the fight brewing.

Fury stood up. He straightened his coat and turned to me.

"Fox Summers, under strict orders from the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division, I place you under arrest for obstructing a S.H.I.E.L.D project. If you resist I am authorised to use deadly force. Your location is surrounded."

I relaxed a bit. "Is that it?"

"And once captured the Witchblade will be put through a series of tests. You will then be placed in the custody of your cousin, Scott Summers, current leader of the mutant group known as the X-Men. He will then decide what you will do with yourself."

I sip my coffee thoughtfully.

On one hand, be a superhero, with gadgets, access to government property, possibly fly a jump jet, have a credit card with everything paid for by S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the other, try to fight my way through a large amount of well-trained hit men, lose, get experimented on for an unknown amount of time, and be made to join the X-Men.

I lose either way.

I sigh, defeated.

Fury does this weird lopsided smile. "You've got ten minutes to pack."

Yay. I'm going to New York.

Witchcraft (An Avengers/Witchblade Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now