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        Some  unknown time later

Y/N wakes up and looks around. Her vision is jacked the fuck up. More jacked than her dad during sex.

She looks down and realized she has a seatbelt on. She clicks the button thingy and the belt pops off.

She stands up, well tries to. She just falls to the ground and smacks her face.

"aw shit biscuits!"

She crawls to a door she spots that seems to be smashed open.

She attempts to stand one more time, to open the door, but falls once again. She groans in anger.

"God, now I know how grandma feels." she though to herself.

"Where the hell am I?" she says out loud.

"Uranus." a different voice says.

Y/N is startled and looks around, when she suddenly becomes face to face with a green creature.

She screams.

"Hey, calm down! I won't hurt you! I normally don't hurt sexy humans. Well, I've never meet a human though so scratch that." the creature says.

"Who are you? What are you even? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? WHAT ARE YOU WONDERING? WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" Y/N asks calmly.

"I am Billie, alien of the planet Uranus." the so called Billie alien says.

"Wait, I'm not on Earth?" Y/N asks.

"Correctamundo" Billie says.

"How do I get back?" Y/N says as she tries to stand, once again.
She falls as Billie catches her.

"Let's get you in my house and we will talk about your home later." Billie says as she carries   Y/N inside a building right outside where the rocketship crashed.

"MOM THE GIRL IS AWAKE!" Billie screams.

"How do you know its a girl?" some older lady walks into the living room.

"I checked. Anyway, i will bring her to my room to rest. I'll take care of her mom." Billie says.

"Alright. Don't forget to give her food and water. Make sure her cage has plenty of blankets." the lady says.

Billie carries Y/N upstairs to a red lit bedroom.

"Woah" Y/N whispers.

"Yeah, woah is right." Billie says as she places Y/N on her bed.

"Just rest in here. I will be back with food and drinks. Then we can talk."


375 words

Extraterrestrial  |  A Billie Eilish Funny FanficWhere stories live. Discover now