"So hard for me~"

What the hell...where had this side of Patton come from? Logan found it really hot, but it scared him at the same time because it was the opposite of how Patton usually was.

Patton tugged Logans jeans off and slipped his hands up his shirt, pulling his off. Patton sat on his knees, over Logans crouch but not touching him. He pulled his own shirt off and bit his lip, leaning down to Logans neck.
"D-did you lock the d-door?" Logan stammered with a moan as Patton kissed his neck.
"I'll make sure," Patton whispered getting up. He quickly made sure the door was locked and before getting back onto the bed, he slipped his skirt off.

The next morning, Logans dad flipped his lid when he found the boys, both shirtless in Logans bed and cuddled up in eachothers arms.

"Logan Berry, get your sorry ass up right now!" His father screamed. Logan let out a noise of fear and quickly stood, realizing he was in just his boxers.
"Get your clothes on and get downstairs. NOW,"

His dad left, slamming the door behind him hard enough to shake the room. Logan quickly put his clothes on, stopping when he felt Patton hug him.
"He's going to kill me," Logan said softly.
"Logan, it isnt like you to say things like that, you hate dramatic things like that,"
"No. I'm serious. He is LITERALLY going to kill me. You have no idea how homophobic my dad is, if he had it his way he would kill all lgbtq members. He knew I had an interest in guys and that's why he hits me, but I am in for a huge beating. You need to leave or he'll hurt you too," Logan hugged Patton and kissed him.

"Go, please," he whispered. Patton reluctantly nodded, quickly putting on his light blue jeans and a hoodie he'd stolen from Logan and kissed him once more before slipping out the window. Logan took a deep breath and went downstairs.

"Yes father?" He said softly. He flinched harshly when his father stood and walked towards him.
"Did you sleep with him?" He growled.
"You found us sleeping in the bed together," Logan mumbled. He got a hard slap across the face.
"You know what i mean! Did you have sex with that boy?!" He shouted
"No!" Logan said as tears fell. "We didn't,"
"Don't lie to me," his father snapped, shoving him. Logan stumbled over the coffee table and whimpered, falling back and landing hard on his butt.

He looked up at his dad.
"I accepted you being a gay little faggot, but you are NOT allowed to be sleeping with another man, got it?!"

"Police! Open up!" Someone shouted, banging on the door.
"You called the cops?! You fucking mistake!" Mr. Berry yelled, kicking Logan in the stomach. He let out a breath and brushed his hair back then going to the door. Logan pushed himself up, wiping his eyes and quickly followed.

"What can I do for you, officer?" Mr. Berry asked.
"Mr. Berry, you are under arrest for abuse if your son," the cop said, cuffing him .
"What?! I would never! Logan, tell them," he demanded. Logan shook his head.

When he looked out the door, he saw Patton standing by the cop car. Logan tried to fight the urge to run to him but failed, running into his open arms.
"Are you ok? What did he do?" Patton whispered, cupping Logans face in his hands.
"You pushed me and kicked me, I'm ok," Logan whispered as tears fell.
"Then why are you crying?"
"Because now he can't hurt me, you saved me," Logan hugged him tightly, kissing him again.

"You guys are dating?!" Roman suddenly cried.
"Roman, shut up! His dad was literally just arrested," Virgil snapped, slapping him upside the head. "Logan, are you ok? We had no idea you were being treated like that,"

"I didn't want anyone else to know. Patton knew because he would help me hide any marks and bruises,"
"Why would your mom help you?" Roman asked
"She doesnt know. She knows he yells at me but she doesnt now he physically hurts me," Logan was still holding Patton, cuddling into his neck.

"Logan, what in the world is going on?" Logan mother cried running over.
"M-mom," Logan breathed.
"Mrs. Berry, your husband has been abusing your son," one of the officers said.
"He yells at him, is that any reason to arrest him?"
"Mom...dad hits me. Alot. He found me and Patton this morning and got really really mad. If Patton hadn't called the cops, I have no idea what could have happened. All he did this time was push me and kick me, but he's drawn blood more then once," Logan told his mom.

Mrs. Berry was shocked as she gently pulled her son into a hug.
"Honey... I'm so sorry, I had no idea," she whispered kissing his head and holding him close.
"I'm alright, mom," Logan said softly. He struggled to get out of her grip for a second before she released him.
"So...does that mean you and Patton are dating?" His mom asked with a small smile. Logan shurgged nervously as Patton hugged him.

"Too many people asking too many questions at once, its overwhelming him," Patton said softly, cuddling into Logans side.

The four teens went up to Logans room and Logan reluctantly showed Roman and Virgil some of the things his father had done and the reason he hated being touched, at least by anyone but Patton.

The whole time they were together in his room, Patton was cuddled up on his lap. Patton eventually fell asleep, sitting on Logans lap and facing him, head on his shoulder. Logan had his hands on his hips while he talked to Virgil and Roman.

"How long has he been doing this?" Roman asked softly.
"Patton cuddling me? Since we were three,"
"No...your dad,"
"Oh...I was 12. He started because I came out. He didnt want to have a gay son. When he found Patton and I in my head this morning, I was positive he was going to kill me,"

A few weeks went by. Logans mom felt horrible that her husband had been hurting her son right under her nose, even when Logan insisted it was fine, that nothing was her fault.

Logan and Patton did make things official, but it took Roman and Virgil being little asses about it, shoving them together and practically yelling at them, which was really bad because it set Logan off and he would almost start crying every time someone raised their voices at him.

"Guys, we can't raise our voices towards Logan. I know we're usually loud but we never yell AT him. I hate seeing him cry like that," Patton said softly. "I love him... and I don't want him remembering what his dad did every single day,"

"Awww you love him?" Roman squealed.
"Yes!" Patton whined. "I love him so much, ok?! I know, I want to be with him so much,"

And after that, things were great. The others were careful to not raise their voices too much around Logan, especially not at him and Logan seemed good.

And he was good.

Until when they 31. Logans dad had been in prison for 14 years and was let out. When Logan found out about it, he just clung to his husband.

"Baby...its going to be ok, he won't hurt you," Patton whispered, hugging him. Logan just cuddled into the others neck and stayed quiet. Patton smiled weakly amd continued what he was doing with Logan on his lap.

Logan fell asleep like that, making Patton smile. He had the cutest husband ever. Patton lifted the sleeping one up and carried him to their room, laying him down and kissing his head
"Goodnight, my love," he whispered. Logan smiled in his sleep and rolled onto his side, staying asleep

This was shit near the end. Just like my mood today

But I hope you enjoyed, yadda yadda, I'm gonna go throw myself out a window

Have a good day/night

Sanders Sides oneshot book (pt2)(Requests CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now