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It's the next day and I'm laying on my bed thinking about what happened yesterday.
Jasp:"this has got to be a bad dream"
I get up and I look in the mirror. I turn to the side. I don't see a bump
Jasp:"it must've been a dream"
I know that it wasn't a dream. It seems like everything is always down hill. I'm really worried about what Sana and I did. I feel really guilty about doing it. I have been also feeling like maybe after this baby that our pack should split. Completely. I feel like we just don't have each other anymore like we used to do. What I mean by split is that everyone including the guys and I should just seperate. Or even go on a suicide mission. Those are just my thoughts. Jimin seems really pissed this morning. I go to him
Jasp:"good morning"
He just looks at me and he eats his cereal. I suck in my lips and I pour me some as well. I sit beside jimin.
I could feel his heat from his body.
He looks at me
Jasp:"do you think that are Time is done "
Jimin;"what do you mean"
Jasp:"we made history, we made ourselves some bit of famous we had kids we finished our goals,our time is done"
Jimin:"that's true but why are you asking this"
Jasp:"I think that we need to go"
Jimin:"what do you mean"
Jasp:"our lives aren't ours anymore"
Jimin:"so you're saying that.."
Jasp:"it's time for us to quit"
He goes quiet for a few minutes.
Jasp:"I know someone who practices reincarnation and I want all of us to go there"
Jimin:"I'm not ready for death jasper"
Jasp:"I'm not either and I'm not going to force it on you, I'm just saying, our time is up, everyone's is"
He looks at me and we hold eye contact with each other. I get up and I walk out of the kitchen, he grabs my hand and I look back at him
Jimin:"it's not our time yet jasper, don't do anything stupid"
I just look at him. Knowing I've already made up my mind
Jimin:"promise me"
Jasp:"I promise you..."
His pupils dilate as he lets my hand go, I walk to the left of the house, to where the guys are

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