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Me and tae head outside and we walk into town. With his arm still around me
Tae:"do you love me"
Jasp:"of course I do"
Tae:"no, not like how you love all of us"
Jasp:"you know you love you whether is just you or you guys all together"
Tae:"I've thought about us, and what if we were a thing"
Jasp:"that'd change every thing"
Tae:"I know, sometimes I wish I could have you to myself"
I think about what he's telling me, I stop walking and I look at him and he looks at me
Jasp:"one day"
I kiss him passionately and he kisses back. I pull away and I smile
Jasp:"let's hurry up before it gets too late"
I grab his hand and we start walking to the icecream parlor.
Tae:"I want another baby'
Jasp:"we'll wait until Nova Is able to speak full sentences then I'll think about it"
Tae:"I want a boy"
Jasp:"I do too but I prefer icecream"
He chuckles and we reach the icecream store.
Tae:"mint chocolate chip right"
Jasp:"yes my dear"
He looks at me and he raises his eyebrow
Jasp:"yes daddy"
He chuckles and he orders my ice cream,
Cashier:"what can I get for you sweet face"
Tae:"can I have a Oreo and pecan mix ice cream"
Cashier:"yes you can handsome"
I stand in front of him and I look at her with a fake smile
Jasp:"yeah hurry up sweetface"
I say sarcastically, she goes to make his and my ice cream. I turn around towards him and he looks down at me
Jasp:"listen up, i dont want any body calling you sweet face"
Tae:"I can't control what people say about me"
Jasp:"but I can"
He chuckles and she comes back,
Cashier:"here you go handsome"
I poke my lips out and he kisses me deeply,
Cashier:"sir here's your ice cream"
Jasp:"now it's sir? I thought it was  handsome and sweet face"
Cashier"I didn't know you were his girlfriend"
Jasp:"that's what you get for not using your small ass brain"
Tae:"let's go"
He turns me around and we leave out the door,
Tae;"work on your anger "
Jasp:"work on people flirting with you"

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